I have become aware of this post from a few years ago which ended up in a scrap lump of copper and silver solder at about the same stage I am at now: PGK's 1" Minnie
Its a remarkably similar story of someone following the book in the same way as I have so far. I'm a little concerned I'm following the same route at this point.
At this point I'm at the stage of having a low pressure vessel which passes the 10psi test looking for bubbles under water. The foundation ring did take a couple of cookings up with additional copper "fillings" in the hard to fill triangles around joints of the fire box.
The next stage is to add boiler stays and I'm a little concerned that the order I'm following in the book isn't a good one. I agree that silver soldering everywhere is the way to go, but I've got difficulties applying head inside the firebox. If I stick my Sievert 2941 7.7Kw burner inside the firebox it lacks air and goes out!
What if I get a bigger burner such as the Sievert 2942 26Kw. Would that allow me to melt the silver solder on the inside purely from heating from the outside?
I have tried an experiment where I use a heat gun blowing air into the firebox whilst trying to use my torch, but this isn't really helping the breathing issue…
This is my story so far: progress
Edited By Mark B on 13/09/2020 19:52:22