Gentlemen does anybody know where a set of castings for the above engine may be obtained The American source from 1992/93 seems to have disappeared. I would appreciate any help in locating any castings for this engine, or any leads that may take me a step nearer.
FAME has a post which mentions someone who took over casting them, Can't see them listed on Antique Engines suppliers pages so he may be your best bet.
I'm going to see one of the "Motor Boys" at the weekend so will ask him, probably got at least one stashed away.
FAME has a post which mentions someone who took over casting them, Can't see them listed on Antique Engines suppliers pages so he may be your best bet.
I'm going to see one of the "Motor Boys" at the weekend so will ask him, probably got at least one stashed away.
Well I spoke with the owner of a set of Zimmerman Cirrus castings today and also the Engine boy. Neither would part with their engines but they thought that Chester Du Biel still had the patterns and he would be the person to contact. Last set changed hands for around the £500 mark.
The Engine Girl has kindly sent me some photos so that you know what you are looking for on your hunt for these rare castings. Although like busses two come along at once
Gentlemen thank you for your help in my search for the cirrus castings. Chester DuBeil the american source of the castings died some years ago according to his good friend George Britnell with whom I have spoken, Chester had a son but no one seems to know if he carried on the buisness. Apologies to Ian SC for mistake about the maker of the Cirrus in full size it seems to be a popular misconception and appears on the published drawings.