1/12″ scale Burrell traction engine Model Engineer article request.


1/12″ scale Burrell traction engine Model Engineer article request.

Home Forums Traction engines 1/12″ scale Burrell traction engine Model Engineer article request.

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    Samuel Brown 2
      I have been searching for a source of  drawings for the 1 1/2″ scale Burrell traction engine but without success. May this engine be considered as a future construction article for Model Engineer magazine?

      Edited By Samuel Brown 2 on 22/03/2010 21:34:07

      Edited By Samuel Brown 2 on 22/03/2010 21:34:49

      Edited By Samuel Brown 2 on 22/03/2010 21:36:27

      Samuel Brown 2
          If its the Basset Lowke then as the castings are no longer available can’t see much point in a construction article being written unless someone wants to show it being fabricated and cut from solid.
          If it was previously covered which I don’t think it was then just find out what volumes it was it and watch out for them on e-bay, I have bought several series on Traction Engines that interest me.
          Samuel Brown 2
            The version that I am refering to is the 1 1/2″ Burrell that was designed some years ago by a Mr Fred Stone.
              ThEre is a thread on this forum re a 1 1/2″ burrell, contact Abby as he has a set of the Fred Stone drawings, may be able to sort you out a copy.
              Do you know if it was ever covered in any of the ME mags?

              Edited By JasonB on 23/03/2010 16:28:13

              Keith Wardill 1
                Maybe be good to see a construction article on a traction engine in ME (if thats the idea). It would make a welcome change from locomotive and ‘how to build a kit engine’  articles.  As far as I can check, there have not been very many traction engine constructional articles compared to locos.
                This is not meant as a criticism of the magazine content, but merely to point out that model engineering covers a very wide range of interests. Try looking at some of the older copies of the magazine, before financial interests split off so many specialist publications.
                  I expect Edward will be doing a series on the 6″ Gold Medal Tractor, he’s already given us a taster with the cylinder casting articles. There are a few Builders proving the design & casting so hopefully we will see a series soon once any queries have been ironed out, although its possible to follow the builds on the web with Julia Olds leading the way.
                  One of the problems seems to be the fact that most builds series are about new engines onto the market, most of whats available at the moment has already been covered in one of the mags over time. The only newly available * engines in the last few years are the above mentioned GMT and MJ Engineerings 3″ 8nhp Wallis & steevens.
                  * these castings and engines have been about for some time but only just become more readily available from Little Samson & MJ Eng.
                  David Clark 13
                    Hi There
                    Yes, Edward is doing a series.
                    Be a while yet.
                    Probably earlty next year.
                    regards David
                    David Clark 13
                      Hi There
                      I would welcome traction engine construction articles.
                      I can only publish what I get.
                      regards David
                      Samuel Brown 2
                        Thank you everyone for your replys and helpful information.
                        Alec Oldfield

                          I note this is a old thread but I can offer a copy of plans of a 1 1/2″ Burrell traction engine by O B Bolton Scientific models Sydney dated 10-6-1950.I have a full set of castings but reluctant to sell (perhaps could be copied)

                          Tony Bray 1
                            I have a full set of plans which I could have copied but I would like to obtain a set of castings myself I started to build the boiler a very long time ago and still have some of those bits Who can help with the castings please contact me on 01983755108 .
                            Dave Armstrong
                              i’m happy to look at making the castings and patterns , if someone can help with a full set of drawings on loan for a few days
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