Hi Roy and welcome to the forum.
There's a bit of an awkward gap in the world of air pumps. Engines need a good volume of medium pressure air. Unfortunately car pumps produce low volumes of high-pressure air, and fans produce large volumes of low volume air. Aquarium pumps are a bit low on pressure and volume.
Bob recommends using a car tyre as a reservoir. The pressure is a bit high and unregulated, but there's a reasonable amount air available. I've used a plastic lemonade bottle and car foot-pump to prove an engine will turn: not ideal!
These days I use a small electric workshop air compressor similar to this one:
These have a largish reservoir tank and a pressure regulated output that can be set to suit the engine. Start at about 5psi and work up for reasonable running. Note a car tyre starts at about 30psi and comes down, unregulated.
The downside of workshop compressors is cost, noise and space! Quiet domestic demonstrations of an engine really need something quieter. A spray paint compressor might do the job, but I've never tried one. Perhaps someone else has a suitable recommendation.