I started to build four 1/10th scale models of my 1930 Austin Seven special several weeks ago. This is my progress so far.
A side view of one of the cars. All the green parts are resin 3D prints, the grey bits are pla. The wheels have the correct number of spokes and the spokes are in the right place. I have used a bit of plasticine to hold the front side light on the front wing, just for the photo you understand. All the lights will work and will be fitted with very small LEd's. The woodgrain is printed onto photo paper and is a scan of part of the body on the real car. I did think of using real wood veneer, but at the moment I prefer the photo.

The radiator shell and headlights which will be painted with a chrome type paint made by Allclad which looks like real chrome, almost. The wings and temperature gauge on top of the rad is a separate print and will be painted with a brass or gold paint also by Allclad. The headlights will have LED's. I bought some clear casting resin today and I have cast the lenses for the headlights, not set yet.

A general view of all four cars with a few bits at the front of the image. A 50p is used for scale.

Two photos of the real thing.

I hope to start getting some paint soon. The bonnet and wings will be painted in DAF (the car maker, not the van) marina blue, the same as the real car.