It is possible to do the Alchin on just a lathe inconjunction with a vertical slide for the milling operations and just a bench mounted drill along with a range of hand tools.
However you will find it a lot easier with a small milling machine, something like an X2 would likely cope but don’t hold me to that, an X3 size will definately do it.
The chimney saddle is rivited to the smokebox though you could use unslotted roundhead screws with nuts from the inside. The smokebox in turn is rivited or screwed to the end of the boiler.
Its worth getting a copy of W.J.Hughes’s book on building this engine as it shows a lot of the machine setups, based on just using the lathe.
The Alchin is a very detailed design a 1″ or 2″ Minnie would be a lot simpler, also I would suggest you try a small stationary engine first to see how you get on and to learn how to use the machines and get the correct fit and finish on parts.
Edited By JasonB on 21/10/2011 17:58:22