The plate is fitted between the screw on chuck and the indexing head, the holes go to the back which allows the indexing pin to be located in any of the holes when revolving the chuck/shaft assembly, the degree scale provides a guide to the position.
The bottom pictured Unimat SL indexing head the discs with indentations on the circumference are fitted into the back of the head and locked onto the shaft so when revolved the indexing pin locates the indents to allow indexing of the circle, depending of course on the number of indents on the ring, I regularly use 1 with 24 indents.
Edited By Emgee on 21/10/2019 15:40:03
Edited By Emgee on 21/10/2019 15:56:14 added pic
Edited By Emgee on 21/10/2019 16:08:13