Posted by Brian H on 24/07/2019 15:14:03:
The is always the Midlands Model Engineering Exhibition 17th October to Sunday 20th October 2019, there are usually some dealers there so that you can at least have a look at what there is and maybe even get an Exhibition bargain! ( Stuarts are usually there also)
Yes I've been having a look at when there is a Model Engineering Exhibition I can get to. I've missed Doncaster for this year but I'm sure I could manage a trip down to the Midlands.
I think I've got a 5 step plan ( I sound like I should be in some sort of meeting, 'my names Ben, and I'm an engineer' ).
1. Buy 1 or 2 Stuart kits while they're on offer.
2. Get myself to the next local club open day and join.
3. Acquire a lathe of some description.
4. Make lots of swarf on bits of scrap.
5. Attempt my first Stuart engine.
I've had a look at some of the simple 'beginner' engine projects and they all seem to be oscillating engines. I'm sure this would be the sensible place to start but they just don't do anything for me. I much prefer slightly more scale looking engines.
Edited By Ben Charlton on 24/07/2019 15:30:33
Edited By Ben Charlton on 24/07/2019 15:31:04
Edited By Ben Charlton on 24/07/2019 15:31:31