So all good so far, I have 2 firebox plates, smoke box, boiler barrel to size and shape and have done the throat plate. Some 3/32 copper rivets have arrived 1/2" and 3/8" long with two rivet snaps. The hole in which the rivet shank goes into does not bottom out. Is this normal or is the hole too deep. I haven't given the riveting a practice yet but my understanding is this.
Drill hole in both parts to be riveted together
Place rivet through both plates factory head down and lying in the concaved part of the set tool held in a vice.
Get the other tool and place the upturned rivet shank into the hole(not bottoming out/bottoming out?)
Give it a tap
Use other concave part to tap down and form head, but not too tight to allow solder to flow.
Sound good?
Also if I can't get my riveting skills up to scratch, what is to stop me just putting appropriate sized copper bag screws and nuts in and soldering them in and filing flush? Or is it a case of honing my skills with the rivets.