Today i had a play with some new parting tools – one from eccentric engineering and another from a local tool supplier The F.O.R tool by eccentric uses T shaped blades and the other the conventional wedge shape blade .
Both of these are mounted upside down in the toolpost ( QCTP) and i ran the lathe in reverse , if you have a screw on chuck you will have to use them in a rear toolpost . I started out with some 30mm 6061 T6 round bar running at 250rpm and neat soluable oil for cutting fluid . I followed the advice on sharpening the blades as supplid by eccentric enineering – use the side of the wheel to give a 4 deg relief , many use the front of the wheel which gives a concave grind and too much relief .
FIrst cut with the F.O.R was going ok but the chips looked like they were tearing out and not cutting well so i switched over to WD40 with an immediate improvement – the soluable oil didn’t seem to like aluminium and i also tried some trefolex ctd spray which worked ok and i repeated the same process with the other blade with similar results .
Next up was some bms at 20mm dia and as in the first test i tried the neat soluable oil and this led to my first jam up but fortunately I didn’t have the qctp clamped too tight so the holder popped up and stopped any damage ( mental note : don’t tighten the qctp lever too tight as this acted like a safety device and stopped the blade breaking ) . I reset everything and tried the ctd spray which worked better , I didn’t bother with wd40 as i never considered it as a cutting fluid for steel ( i was seriously mistaken on this ) .
Now that i seemed to have it going in the right direction I thought i better bite the bullet and try some larger dia steel , this time 40mm roundbar of unknown composition – i had machined it before so knew what it cut like . I didn’t try the soluable oil on this for the first cut as i knew from the previous tests it wasn’t the best so so ctd spray was used first .
I did the first cut in two stages with no dramas with either blade and considering the t shaped blade is only 2mm wide i was quite surprised it didnt wander or break ( i would learn a little later that this blade is one tough little blade ) and the other blade is 3/32 wide . Anyhow i parted of two disks with each blade with no issues and i did switch between ctd spray and soluable oil on both the last disks but i could hear a difference in how the blade was cutting so soluable oil went back on the shelf .
I did one last test with both blades using power cross feed and found the constant feed seemed to help a little , on the last cut using the wedge blade for sh#ts and giggles ( or possibly tears ! ) i thought i would try WD40 just to see what happens – You wouldn’t believe it but it worked better than any of the other stuff i had tried by a country mile ! I then set up the t shaped blade and tried it using WD40 and got exactly the same result so half way through i reached for some RP7 spray which caused an immediate seizure ripping the blade upwards along with the toolholder . Fortunately it didn’t damage the blade or holder but it did open my eyes ! You would think all those types,of sprays are all the same but not so ! I reset everything and started the cut again using WD40 and it cut all the way perfectly . On the last two cuts i cuts i did i cut through in one pass and was pleasantly surprised that the thin t blade came through with flying coulours ! The t blade has a slight concave grind along its top edge to help curl the chip in to clear the sides of the groove – the wedge blade has a convex v on top with the apex offset and I don’t know if this is intentional or not so i left it on there and it did seem to fold the chip and feed it out to one side of the groove .
Cutting speeds :
alloy 200- 300rpm for 30mm bar worked ok
steel 120 rpm for 20mm and 60rpm for 40mm dia ( i did switch up to 120rpm about half way through on one cut but didn’t see any gain other than alittle time saved but at the risk of a jam up so I don’t feel it to be worth it
So what did i learn from all this ?
Oils aint oils so don’t be afraid to try something else . I don’t know why WD40 worked so well on steel but RP7 caused a seizure ?
Speed isn’t everything so slow it down – with turning , speed and feed will give different surface finishes with parting it doesn’t matter I don’t think you can’t go too slow with parting .
The qctp can be used like a safety device by not cranking the locking lever closed too hard .
The relief angle on the front of the tool shouldn’t be too much , around 4 deg is more than enough will help stop dig ins , use the side of the grinding wheel to sharpen the blade not the periphery which gives a concave grind , more relief angle and a less support under the cutting edge .
If you have powered cross feed consider using it as it gives a nice even feed .
In my opinion the inverted parting tool running either at the from or the rear definitely lessens the damage caused from a dig in and it is even better if you use the qctp as a safety device .
Note: the F.O.R blade holder has a sliding wedge design so to can adjust the blade height ( about 1mm in height ) without having to use shims – this is a really handy thing for those who don’t have a Quick change tool post.
Disclaimer : i have no affiliation with any of the companies or products i have mentioed and ALL of the products mentioned were paid for by myself at full retail price .