Myford 2 MT Collets.


Myford 2 MT Collets.

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    Andrew Tinsley
      Andrew Tinsley

        Now this is where I really show my ignorance! I have a set of Myford 2 MT imperial collets which have the thread for a drawbar. I also have the screw on nose (genuine Myford). Now this screw on nose comes complete with some tubular items, which I am assured go with the screw on nose.

        Now to use the collets I assume you put them in the headstock 2 MT taper and insert the drawbar from the opposite end and tighten it up (having already inserted what you need in the collet!).

        Now you could screw on the nose, but quite what it does, I don't have a clue! Similarly, what on earth are the tubular pieces for?

        Obviously I am missing a great deal here and really showing myself up! So can you good people tell me what all the apparently redundant bits are supposed to do?



          Hi Andrew,

          If its the same as mine the collet should have a grove which is then located in the screw (assume this screw fits on to the spindle nose). To do this the collet is placed in the tube to close it so it can fit it in the screw . It is released by pushing the smaller tube/rod into tube with the collet, this then releases collet. The collet then screws onto the spindle. Assume I have interrupted your OP correctly. A photo would help.



            Sorry about the predictive spelling errors arrrhhh !


              Your collets may be just 2 morse taper draw bar type and not the "special" Myford type Hugh mentions.

              Here is a link to the Myford type :-


              Andrew Tinsley

                Thanks Ian and Hugh,

                If I had attempted to use the kit, then I think the penny might have dropped! However as I didn't want to set things up without knowing what I was doing, I choose to ask!

                Thanks both for such a straightforward exposition of what should have been obvious! Well I did have the good grace to ask the question on the beginners forum.


                Edited By Andrew Tinsley on 30/08/2017 20:06:59

                Swarf, Mostly!

                  Hi there, Andrew,

                  You have part-sets of two distinct types of collet.

                  While I have met threaded collets which require a draw-bar, I am not familiar with any from the Myford stable.

                  The other components you describe go with the Myford patent 2 Morse taper system. I don't have a photo to hand but there are lots illustrating the listings on eBay. Alternatively, the Myford patent system is shown in the Myford sales literature and (probably) in Sparey's book or the 'Myford ML7 Lathe Handbook' by Ian Bradley (see pages 73 & 74). The collet (#1031) is pushed into the 'closing tube' which compresses it so that the groove round the outer end of the collet will enter the knurled nose-piece (#1438). The collet is then pushed out of the closing tube using the ejector device and expands, engaging the groove with the nose-piece. The collet is then entered into the lathe mandrel taper and the nose-piece screwed on to the mandrel nose to close the collet on to the work-piece.

                  Best regards,

                  Swarf, Mostly!

                  P.S.: Ian obviously types faster than I do!  Maybe my description will make more sense read with the photos to which Ian linked.


                  Edited By Swarf, Mostly! on 30/08/2017 20:13:40

                  Edited By Swarf, Mostly! on 30/08/2017 20:15:25


                    For the benefit of other viewers :

                    myford patent collet-001.jpg

                    Michael Gilligan

                      I am copying this information from another thread, for the convenience of any future explorer who lands here:


                      Mr Percy Blood is our hero:



                      MichaelG. angel

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