My lathe is an Engineers ToolRoom BL12/24 which is a BH600 / Chester Craftsman in a different colour scheme. Came with a couple of alternative Input gears for the Norton box (32 and 36T – needed for some Metric thread pitches).
The 5MT Mandrel bore is a boon, (38mm bore) as is the supplied 5MT/3MT adaptor sleeve.
Had to make up my own Drawbar ( Two actually, the mostly used 3/8 BSW and a combined M8/M6 one for some fitments)
The comment about electronics only lasting ten years is a bit worrying. Mine came with Imp;orter fitted VFD in late 2003! But is still functioning satisfactorily
I do have a thing about keeping the shop dry. Hence 50mm glass fibre insulation in walls and ceiling, with the floor on 8 x 2 bearers, well protected from the weather on three sides, and with a vent at both high and low level. If the temperature drops, a 60 watt tubular heater is switched on. So far no problems with rust.
The 8" four jaw chuck is heavy. Made a rough chuck board to carry wooden packing to aid changing chucks.
The thread on the Mandrel for the chuck is 2.25" x 8 tpi Whit form.
Apart from stupid things that I have done, no problems with the lathe. It has a few mods:
A rough plywood tray fitted over the hinged cover to the Headstock Now home to chuck key, toolpost screw key and parting tool clamp key, Micrometer Stop and Centre Height gauge, squeezable bottles for soluble oil, neat cutting oil, Angels Breath,and a load of other junk that I leave there.
Screw Thread Dial moved to the rear of the Saddle
40T input gear to the Norton box replaced by a shop made 80T, which needed the closure to be resited, and new Knob fitted. (This gives a finest feed rate of about 0.0025"/rev)
The BL12/24 came with a guard over the Toolpost, very soon removed.
The acrylic Chuck Guard fouled the faceplate; relieved locally to clear., (the guard not the Faceplate)
Made up a four way back toolpost, but this sometimes fouled the spindle of the Chuck Guard when working with a collet chuck. Spindle for Chuck guard parted off and sleeved, so that it can be removed for use with a collet chuck.
After carelessly driving the Saddle into the Headstock, as part of the shop made repair, the first four teeth of the Rack were removed. 1 and 2 had never been used, and 3 and 4 were damaged. The Pinion now disengages from the Rack just before the Saddle touches the Headstock. From the off the shelf availability of spares, am not alone! But chose to make my own repairs, believing the material used to be superior to O E.
Thought that I had major belt slip problems. Turned out that the shaft for the short belt tensioning lever inside the Headstock had too shallow a dimple for the grubscrew. Once found, soon rectified.
The foot for the fixed steady was a pain, with the bolt not being retained. Milled a slot to take the bolthead and stop it rotating, and a simple sheet steel cover fixed in place to stop it falling out. Problem solved.
Wasted two afternoons checking the wiring trying to find why the lathe would not work, until on both occasions, noticing that, I had touched the Emergency Stop button and latched it down!
A heavy wooden shelf behind the lathe carries various drill chucks, 2MT/3MT adaptor sleeves, Faceplate, shop made catchplate, and Steadies. At the far (tailstock) end, an aluminium extension carries two Chamfering Tools, (1/2" and 3/4"
two 3MT centres and a half centre.
Am I satisfied? Does it do what I want? Threads are usually cut with taps or Dies, but have screcut several 1.5mm pitch threads for ER collet holders.
After nearly fourteen years, it is still here, and little prospect of replacement, so the answer has to be Yes to both questions!
So Hope that all this rabbit is some Help.
Edited By Howard Lewis on 06/05/2017 22:04:14