Hi, where I used to work many years ago, they had a 20 foot in diameter table, with perforated slots upon which woven Nylon cloths were were fitted, washed industrial sand was then pumped onto a selected area, as the table was turning at less than walking pace. Below the table were four 12″ diameter steel pipes, which were connected to four separated sections of and interface section to the table, The four pipes were connected together and lead to a large round chamber, which was connected to another chamber of the same size in series, which was on the same floor as the table, and this one was connected to a large very powerful vacuum pump. As the table was turning, the Vacuum pump would suck the water from the sand to an extent to be just moist. The second chamber had a vacuum gauge connected near its outlet, but this one had markings up 32 inch’s. If I remember correct, this system would turn up to about 80 Tonnes of really wet sand an hour into moist sand for storage, some of which would be kilned bone dry.
Regards Nick.