Looking at Michael’s sample issue I’m impressed by the amount of “stuff” advertised.
As Michael says modern magazines are pale shadow of the norm in the 50’s and 60’s. The decline started to become noticeable in the 1970’s and by the mid 1980’s the DIY et al magazines where quite obviously different and chronically thinner. MEW being a typical example of something started in the new age with a fairly decently heavy content in the earlier days but comparative lightness became the norm.
Clearly there were enough readers to support the content in those days but, being a cynical type, I do wonder how many readers actually made featured things and how many were mere armchair enthusiasts. I suspect vastly more of the latter than the former. But it’s the readers and purchasers that make a magazine viable. Constructors are just the icing on the cake so long as there are enough buying things from the advertisers to make their business, and adverts viable.
My father took Do It Yourself (I think) magazine for many years which, if I recall childhood reading in the 1960’s focused mostly on woodworking things for the house. My recollection is that he made only a couple or three things from the magazine and, probably, picked up some tips for doing household jobs.
I still have the very nice sewing box on castors he made for mum.
I find it telling that he found it more sensible to install an early MFI fitted wardrobe kit when the post war economy stand alones became inadequate despite the, ahem, “un-wonderful” quality of the MFI offering. He was more than capable of making something far better.
Before I was around he built a very decent fitted kitchen from scratch. Never really followed why a modern kit got put in as a replacement around the later 1980’s but I do recall his version being very hard work to dismantle. Properly assembled jointed, glued and pinned framework cut nailed to the wall meant it wasn’t coming out without a major fight. So glad that Wolf had invented the Grindette (angle grinder) to deal with the cut nails that absolutely weren’t coming out this side of Armageddon.