ER vs Morse collets


ER vs Morse collets

Home Forums Beginners questions ER vs Morse collets

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    Sonic Escape

      Is there any disadvantage in using a Morse collet comparing with an ER type? I guess the Morse collet is more rigid since the total length is shorter. How about the clamping? Is it on the whole length of the cutter? Like for ER? I have an milling machine with MT3 spindle and I’m looking for a way to attach the tools.



        Morse type collets will only hold correctly if the item being held is exactly the nominal diameter of the collet.  Each ER collet can hold over a range of sizes.  It is a very small range for each one but that is all you need.

        If you have a MT3 mill spindle I would suggest an MT3/ER collet chuck (I think ER32 would be the preferred size) and a set of collets.  You will also find the a set of half decent ER collets is far cheaper than a corresponding set of morse collets.  You only need a “metric” set as they will hold the appropriate imperial sizes, for morse collets you will need BOTH metric and imperial sets to cover all eventualities.

        Clive Brown 1

          Advantages of Morse collets is that they take up less headroom than an ER chuck, and are possibly slightly more rigid due to less “stick-out”. Having said that, I rarely use mine compared to my ER chuck which is quicker to change cutters.


            ER32/MT3 works great, plus the versatility for holding a range of sizes.

            I’d buy MT collets of the size required as and when needed if the extra headroom or increased rigidity would help.

            noel shelley

              MT3/ER32 is the way to go for the reasons stated above. Noel.


                Not much.  Morse collets are an older design,  the type works well, but over a limited clamping range.  ER is a relatively new design, and they provide a wide clamping range and quick change, both convenient.  Not expensive either.

                ER must be doing something right because despite having to compete with good alternatives they’ve become first choice in many applications.

                I wouldn’t bother with anything else unless I found ER wasn’t good enough for a particular job.   Not happened yet, depends on what you do though.

                ER is also useful in that the collets can be shared between mill and lathe saving money.



                Thor 🇳🇴

                  I have both Morse collets and ER collets, the ER collets gets used far more than the Morse collets because they can hold a range of sizes. I also use the ER collets for work-holding in my lathe. Only when extra headroom is needed I use one of the (few) Morse collets I have.


                  Neil Lickfold

                    Morse collets and 5C,R8 to name a few, and other similar collets, a dead length stop cap can be used to hold parts of a small variation on the spigot or against a shoulder , allow them to be processed at the same length. This can not be done with ER type collets.

                    Morse and similar collets can hold parts with only a small length of engagement and have the part running fairly true. This can not happen with ER series collets. With ER collets, you can have a spacer that is the same diameter as the shorter part being held, as plug in the back of the collet to assist in holding shorter parts, but will require some manipulation, (clocking in), to get running true.

                    With ER series collets, it is very easy to make your own odd side or stepped or shaped collet, without having to buy an Emergency or collet blank to do the same, so saving a bit of cash.

                    I have made what I call a sold ER collet. So is made with a shoulder inside the collet, and then drilled through the full length the biggest diameter possible for the part. Then I make the inner front diameter smaller than the part by the amount that I want it to be held by, usually about 0.02mm to 0.03mm diameter. The back of the collet is left solid and the front is split 8 ways through. These do work a bit like a 5c for holding short parts and do not require as much indication, compared to a standard ER collet. But the parts are required to be very close to the same diameter for this to be effective.

                    ER collet chucks are relatively easy to make, as it is an 8 deg taper and a thread concentric to the taper.

                    ER have the advantage of being a bit universal, so the one set can be shared on many applications. When buying ER collets, do get the better concentric ones, and not the cheapest available. I have got some cheap ones, and they were really disappointing junk.

                    If you need precision, and the parts are made to the nominal collet size, then the other options to ER is the better way to go, even though it means lots of collets. There are other collet chucks that instead of the collet being drawn back, have a sleeve that moves forward to close the collet, like the Myford collet chuck for example.

                    They do work well on nominal parts as well, and a high level of precision can be achieved with these , and can be turned in a single operation for the outer and the rear relief.


                    Martin Connelly

                      I would say use an ER32 collet for most things. A useful addition though is to get a Ø16 MT collet and a Ø16 parallel shank ER16 collet holder (goes up to Ø10 for smaller tooling). This can be used to get into smaller areas that the ER32 will struggle with and also gives the option of having the parallel shank sticking out different distances to suit what you are doing. If you get two ER16 collet holders you can quickly switch between a spotting drill and a jobbing drill for example or a pilot drill and a final size drill. You can also use it for extra headroom compared to the larger ER collet holder.

                      Martin C

                      Sonic Escape

                        Thank you for all answers. Very helpful.

                        Paul Lousick

                          Morse collets are only split at one end and the piece being held must be a close fit with the collet.

                          ER collets are split at both ends and the piece being held is clamped over the full length of the collet. The piece being held does not have to be a close fit.   eg. ER32 collets have a a clamping range of 1mm.  ER collets protrude from the end of the spindle and reduce head room.



                            I have both and generally use a MT3 ER32 chuck for convenience. I started with Morse tapers though. They give more headroom and being closer to the spindle are more rigid. As milling cutters come with standard size shanks the 1mm capacity variation noted of ER cutters is of no consequence. The only time I’ve found it of help is when holding material in the lathe. Even then it’s often helpful to have both metric and imperial collets. It is for example much easier to grip 1/4” stock (or cutter) in a 1/4” collet rather than try to close down a 7mm collet. In the case of milling cutters it’s possibly more accurate as well.

                            The biggest advantage is removing collets. It’s easier on an ER chuck. I have a self ejecting Morse taper on my mill but it’s still more convenient using ER32 collets.

                            Clive Foster

                              The fundamental difference is that a morse taper is self holding with a long shallow taper inevitably generating high frictional losses as the collet comes up tight. The mechanical advantage of the shallow taper helps offset the frictional loss but ultimately a morse taper collet will not hold as tightly as purpose designed tool holding collets at any given drawbar torque.

                              If you do jam a MT collet up really, really tight they can go well and truly into self holding mode becoming a total pain to remove. As MT spindles are generally associated with the lighter breed of milling machine going postal on the drawbar for removal is probably not a great idea.

                              A screw thread type removal device is vastly preferable to bonking the drawbar on an MT taper machine. I’d be very unhappy about using a machine not so equipped. The sharp rap technique is getting perilously close to the demarkation between “not ideal but if works given sensible care” and “to be avoided as its likely to damage things in the event of error.”

                              An oft overlooked issue with ER collets is that, being double ended with a floating nut, they require high tightening torques in larger sizes to achieve proper grip and the specified concentricity.  This table from Shars is pretty good.


                              Rego-fix basically invented and productionised the ER collet so they should know but their torque table is very much TMI


                              At the core the differences are fundamentally down to the length of the gripping portion which is shorter for the smaller collets in the range. Oversimplifying to the point off absurdity grip is fundamentally down to force pre unit area over which the collet touches the tool shank. Smaller tool doesn’t cut so hard so it needs less holding force and has less grip area anyway so less torque to get to loading force.

                              With ER25 and 35 collets you will be struggling to get the required torque on larger sizes with the usual bent metal spanner thingy in the common kits. It’s surprising that the bearing type nuts actually need more torque in some sizes than standard ones as they are generally sold as needing less torque overall. I’ve no idea why less torque is specified for mini nuts.

                              Much, if not all, of the gripping on smaller tools is done under the nut portion of the ER collet system which has implications for concentricity. For obvious technical reasons the nut has to be made with sufficient clearance to float slightly as it pushes the tail end of the collet firmly into the taper in the holder body so things run concentrically. If the collet is not really accurately made it can take considerable force to generate concentricity. Theoretically it’s all self correcting at sensible torque levels but if the collet is not sufficiently accurate it may never run really true. Expensive collets are expensive for reason!

                              There is no doubt that for general purpose moderate duties on smaller cutters the R8 taper is the best of the commonly found bunch. Being single ended with a relatively steep closing angle frictional forces are lower yet mechanical advantage is sufficient to get more than enough holding power at 25 to 30 ft lb torque. There is a reason why about a zillion other designs of collets for more specialised machines follow this general layout.


                              John Haine

                                Another point about ER spanners, apparently the best tool is a socket with a symmetrical tommy bar, being careful to apply torque without side load.



                                  Simply put, there’s absolutely no single work or tool holding method invented yet that works for everything Sonic. The real answer for what might be the best choice boils down to what are you wanting or needing to do with those collets, the machine size, type and maybe even brand of mill your using. With a larger industrial level mill, I might be more tempted to use MT collets just for there increase in rigidity. Ignoring the actual design differences between your MT 3 spindle and my R8, there still fairly similar in holding power, maximum tool shank size etc. My first mill could only use ER 25 sized collets for holding items like end mills, so I got real familiar with using them. Instead of choosing R8 collets after buying my last mill, I instead decided on ER 40’s even though the maximum tool shank size that collet series can use is slightly more than 1″ in diameter. Which in reality is above what any R8 taper milling machine can ever properly utilize. But I also wanted dual usage from them as a work holding collet on my lathe.

                                  I also understood that no collet design can do that “everything” as I said. So I’ve still had to buy quite a bit of R8 shank tooling. Keyed and key less drill chucks, R8 end mill holders for use with Weldon shank end mills, boring heads etc. Between those ER collets and anything else I’ve bought with those R8 tapers on them, there’s not much I can think of where the proper R8 collets would make much or maybe any noticeable difference other than possibly gaining me a bit more clearance in the Z axis. And so far that’s yet to ever be an issue. Your own mill and what your usually using it for might well have some very good reasons for choosing those MT 3 collets instead. Only you can really make the decision for what might be the best overall choice.

                                  Depending on the lack of or availability of a screw adjustable ejection design for those Morse Taper collets. An ER collet chuck and collets should drastically reduce the number of times you might be hamming on the end of the drawbar. And that’s also the main reason I was adamant about buying my next mill with a R8 taper even while owning a fair amount of MT 3 tooling from my previous mill. One further item to watch for if you do choose to use those ER collets. Unless your mill does have a proper spindle brake or lock, make 100% sure the collet chuck body your buying also has at least two wrench flats, depending on how much your willing to spend, not all of them do.


                                  Sonic Escape

                                    About drawbars. Today I had time to have a better look at the milling machine I just bought this week (HBM BF28). At first I didn’t understand why is so complicated. My 1.5 ton mill back home had simply a threaded bar with a big washer and a nut on top. But it looks like this is a self ejecting type. That’s nice!


                                      It looks wrong. Logic tells me that my favorite cutter shanks will all fit perfectly in MT3 taper collets and save me the 60mm overhang I’d get with an ER32 chuck. Our American chums are forever using R8 collets to hold their Imperial shanks nil problemo, their alignment depending on one taper where I have two. Unfortunately the bee in my bonnet says that parallel shank tooling always goes in a non-retaining taper.

                                      I have an MT3 3/4″ collet with two chucks waiting to be held. An ATC-ER32 and an ATC-ER25. If only I could convince myself that it would work 🙂


                                      Martin Connelly

                                        Regarding getting enough torque with ER32 nuts to aid concentricity, make sure you get bearing nuts as opposed to plain nuts. They also do not twist the collet when they are tightened the way plain nuts do.

                                        Martin C


                                          I wouldn’t exactly say there’s zero issues with those R8 or even MT collets since it’s been proven they hold any tool shank a bit less secure than ER collets might. That’s simply due to there design since any R8 or MT collet grips a tool shank by collapsing the collet and gripping a tool shank from only one end of the collet itself. MT collets are probably superior in there total grip over the R8’s though. Yes those R8, MT collets can and still do work or otherwise they would have never have existed for as long as they have. ER’s hold by collapsing the collet at each end. However even they may not do exactly that for tool shanks not inserted far enough into the collet or at the smaller diameters in the larger ER collet series that may be counter bored at the rear and shortening the total length they grip any tool shank. In that case, the torque the cutting tool actually sees or could ever withstand without breaking is very little in comparison to the maximum tool shank sizes each ER collet series can accept.

                                          For almost any model engineering most of us would be doing, without question that extra length an ER collet chuck adds is I think greatly overblown in it’s real world importance as far as cutting tool rigidity. Only a fool would think that’s totally unimportant since anything you can do to increase rigidity can only help, but for what we might be doing, it’s just not nearly as important as some seem to assume. For most of us, gaining the extra Z axis clearance between the bottom of the spindle and the work piece using those R8 or MT collets, and maybe a reduction in possible non concentricity might be there most benefits. Logically most mills each of us might be using including my own BP clone have more built in flexibility in how the heads are mounted or a columns overall rigidity than any real issues about tool extension from there spindle bearings. Yes there using far larger and multiple times more rigid milling machine designs, but if that few inches of extra distance ER collet chucks or even the shrink fit tool holders add was that important, then industry wouldn’t be using them for production.

                                          Any ER collets, the chuck itself and the closing nut needs to be viewed as a system that all have to be made correctly to work as designed. Increasing the tightening torque even when using those ball bearing nuts can’t and certainly won’t ever correct any concentricity errors unless the original nut was already incorrect to begin with. There are various types of nuts designed to reduce the frictional losses, but all that really does is transfer the energy to then increase the collets grip. This Rego Fix video mentions some of the various ER collet nut design types and says literally nothing about any of them either increasing or decreasing concentricity at all. They also have many other videos about ER collets, chucks and nuts that in my opinion are well worth going through just for a proper education. For something that appears fairly simple, there’s a lot more to the design than it might seem.

                                          For your mill and how you plan to use it, then I’d suggest that only yourself can make a real decision on what the best tool holding collet type might be. But today, I think your going to run into the same issues I have with my R8 spindle. Finding MT collets that are very well made with a guaranteed low run out for less than Hardinge or Schaublin prices.



                                          Simon Collier

                                            I don’t like screwing down ER32 collets very far, in the small sizes especially, so I bought a few imperial collets for 1/8, 7/32, 1/4, etc, in addition to my full metric set.


                                              Yes Simon, that makes perfect sense.  1mm closure for, say a 16mm collet, is a lot less stressful than 1mm for a 3mm collet.

                                              bernard towers

                                                I think you will find that the limit of closure for ER collets changes as they get to smaller diameters.


                                                  Yes bernard, I’m sure you’re right, and that’s what I might expect, but that’s not what gets generally bandied about.  When 1mm closure is mentioned, I’ve not seen reference to the smaller collet sizes.


                                                    It’s pretty easy to find information. Kennametal quotes ER 8 & 11 series have a maximum allowable of .05 mm / .020″ collapse range. ER 16, 20, 25, 32 & 40 series have a maximum of 1 mm / .040″. But if your buying a full set, then the collet sizes would already be spaced within those .05 or 1 mm limits. However, it still depends on what type of collet design your actually using, afaik through coolant ER collets don’t have any tightening range. There intended for nominal sized tool shanks that fit the collet through hole very closely. Maybe not that important for most of us, but it’s still worth knowing about for some who might be using that design of ER collet.


                                                      It is not just the ER size that determines how much you can close them down, In all the ER sizes the very small ones only have a 0.5mm (not 0.05mm) closing range. That is why I have half sizes even in ER32.

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