I bought a new CQ6133 lathe few years back. I worked around the taper cuttng problem, but are back at it again.
Note-1:Shimming & measuring=OK
-I Fitted a 16mm HSS grounded bar with 110mm stickout from 3 Jaw chuck. MY 3 jaw chuck had been modified to true adjust. So I adjust the chuck to run this bar without runout=OK.
-I managed to ajust/shimmed rear of bed inside bolt to .014″ shim. With this the .01mm Dial Indicator run true zero deflextion/taper along the HSS bar=OK.
Note-2:Cutting another Test Bar, setup as above=OK.
-As soon as I take a lightish cut with new insert(10mm shank type), I get a taper not good up to .1mm taper.
-Now I can duplicate this by pulling on the bar with one finger, I can pull it easily up to .1mm, with force up to .18mm.
Note-3:Checking headstock versus Spindle backplate versus MT5 versus face of backplate.
a)The spindle run 100% true(I was surprised), the spindle face run 100% true(I was surprised again).
b)Fit chuck & HSS Bar. Fit Dial indicator to headstock & measure from headstock to spindle, to chuck, to HSS bar. No movement with finger, zero. If I grab the bar with hand and pull as hard as I can, the deflection is minimal at less than.01mm, which certainly is not the problem I am looking for.
Note-4: Check headstock fit to Bed .
-The headstock is tight, I cannot tighten the bolt anymore.
-At this stage the bed is tight to the plate on cabinet, and run without taper from crossslide with shim, and without cutting or pulling.
Question: Where does this cause of the taper comes from-?
If you fit a bar to your chuck and pull on it, how much deflection do you get-?
-The pulling wih one finger to seems like similar taking a light cut.
If it was the spindle bearings, I would thought I saw that in the headstock/chuck/Bar test-?