Boiler Examinations: 7-yearly External Query


Boiler Examinations: 7-yearly External Query

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  • #787939
    Nigel Graham 2

      This emerged in a recent discussion within my society, involving its boiler-testers (including me) and three owners of traction-engines of 3″ scale upwards.

      We know the exterior of any steel boiler must now be examined, with the cladding off, at seven-yearly intervals starting from 2018.

      So among our own club that’s already several engines due such admiring this year.


      Removing all the cladding from a locomotive’s boiler is a chore and risks damage to paintwork, even to small fittings; but not overly difficult. Anyway, steel boilers are mainly confined to 7-1/4″ g. , especially narrow-gauge outline, engines. Including our own society’s club work-horse!


      A traction-engine is a different beast. The boiler is the vehicle’s chassis and the firebox sides are concealed by the hornplates, plus a lot of machinery and other steelwork.

      So does “removing the cladding” on such engines refer only to the insulation and sheet metal covering “just” the barrel from throat-plate to smokebox, or….?

      … dismantling the whole vehicle aft of the cross-head? Surely not! That was the fear expressed.


      Has anyone else encountered this thorny question, and know how we are supposed to interpret the code in this respect?


      Please Note: I am asking ONLY about the MELG Boiler Test Requirements; as applicable to our NAME-affiliated club .

      I am NOT asking about the commercial schemes, nor in comparing the MELG with any other scheme.  A member may wish to use a professional or other boiler tester external to the club, but that is his decision and not the subject of my question.

      Harry Wilkes

        Nigel have you asked the question to the Fmes ?


        Chris Gunn

          In our club we have been taking the cladding off our road vehicles every 7 years, and removing blow downs and mud holes, and inspecting the inside of the boiler with a camera, and the outside visually. we also have a thickness tester and test the thickness of the platework if we think it is needed. We have found that if some types of insulating material have been used it holds water, and this can rust the outside of the boiler barrel. This can be addressed once the cladding is off.

          Chris Gunn

          Nigel Graham 2

            Harry –

            I will be, well, NAME actually as my club is affiliated to that. It should return basically the same answer!

            I am casting my enquiry fairly wide.


            Chris –

            The tests your society includes are extra to the MELG scheme, as that does not expect methods that need a lot of specialist experience to be of any value. I am sure your own boiler-examiners have that, but not all clubs will, hence the formal scheme not requiring them.

            However, the point of my enquiry was external, visual examinations, and the feasibility of them on boiler sides buried in a mass of other structures.

            I am not sure when the seven-year requirement was actually introduced but we discovered it is back-dated to 2018; hence it suddenly hitting our society.


            Yes, you are of course right about wet lagging. We understand the point of such an examination; but we are trying to establish how far the denuding a boiler is reasonably expected to go.

            At least traction-engines’ total-loss lubrication systems are liable to coat the boiler below the lagging with oil, and one or two of our members had observed that on their own engines.

            I think the railway locomotives are the more likely to have wet lagging, because it seems common to use the safety-valves as also filling-plugs. With the best will in the world, it can be hard to prevent some water spilling and penetrating the lagging around the safety-valve bushes.

            Though slower, I would suggest using a hose on the blow-down valve spout would be the better cold-filling inlet, and also avoids wearing the safety-valve mounting threads.


            Paul Kemp


              9.2 gives the “tester” the discretion to extend the 7 yr requirement to 10yrs (in line with commercial requirements although you did say you didn’t want a comparison!).  If extending to 10 years then a reason needs to be given.

              The 7yr requirement of the code is not well thought out in my opinion.  The first 1.5 hydraulic on a new steel boiler can be given for 4 years and thereafter every 2 years (12.5b) so effectively multiples of 2 years, so at year 6 from the last cladding removal to comply with the code you can only issue a 1yr hydraulic cert.  What is special about 7 years?  If the scheme wishes to be conservative then why not go for 6 yrs or impose an annual hydraulic (not a clever idea!)

              Our club also has an endoscope and ultrasonic thickness measuring equipment.  At the 2 yearly hydraulic test we do a thorough inspection of major threaded fittings including fusible plug, blow down’s, wash out plugs etc.  Most steel boilers tested have been in the club for many years and there is documented history of previous inspections.  Our inspectors take a pragmatic and practical view and take into account the age of the boiler it’s construction and original material thicknesses, treatment regime and the lagging material (if any) and generally extend the trousers down inspection to 10 yrs as long as under hydraulic there is no evidence of leakage under the cladding or behind the horns.  Given that the outer firebox is generally thicker than the inner, the wastage on the inner firebox is a reasonable guide to general condition when combined with an internal inspection with the scope.  There have been a couple of larger scale (4”) traction engines come into the club with uncertain prior history and poor documentation, these have been required to remove all lagging but I don’t think there has been sufficient concern to require the removal of the horn plates.

              Whilst the club scheme has to have a simple yard stick and time has been chosen, there are other factors that undermine the validity of time.  Some boilers only get used a few times every year and are properly dry stored in between, others may be running 20 or 30 times a year.  My own 6” engine which I only got running last year and only attended 2 events was steamed 7 times between July and Sept.  This year I am hoping to do 10 events which are all 2 or 3 day affairs so should be steamed at least 25 times for 6-8 hrs a session.  So 7 years might be reasonable for me but probably not for someone using their boiler only occasionally (if they are looking after it properly).

              One of the worst things for a boiler (copper or steel) is raising steam too quickly leading to unequal expansion, I cringe seeing some of the supercharged electric “blowers” you often see people using!


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