Not sure [and I am certainly making no claim to fame] but I wonder if Jason was recalling the question I asked years ago about cutting a verge crown-wheel for a clock.
If so, it was never fully solved.
I will have a look for the old thread next time I wake-up in the middle of the night.
Edit: __ ‘twas much easier to find than I anticipated:
… still sipping a Glenmorangie
Edit: __ some of the content in that 2015 thread has gone awol so, for completeness I am quoting an observation I made in a related eMail:
Although JasonB and Mark C both provided very useful sketches … on close examination, both of them actually ‘demonstrate the problem’ rather than answering the question.
Mark was particularly helpful, and provided me with some more-detailed drawings; but the big ‘niggling’ question remained. [Zoom-in on a tooth in his SolidWorks rendering, and you will see that the tooth-tips are inappropriately shaped.]