What is the easiest way to resin cast hundreds of small seats for an airliner cutaway model I’m building? (I’m building a Boeing 747SP cutaway in 1:75 scale). Economy class seat configuration being 3-4-3.
These will be small seats. As they are so small I’ll do them as rows of 4 and 3 rather than individual seats. A row of 4 centre seats being about 18mm long and about 10mm high and the window seat row being about 15mm by 10mm. There will be over 50 rows to cast. I can make a row of seats from wood for my mold. Is this possible with such small seats and if so what orientation should I lay the seats when pouring the silicone mold for ease of removal and ensuring all details like arm rests and seat contour is filled?
Also what is the best resin? It needs to be quite fluid and easy flowing to ensure that all the details are filled and no air pockets.
Thanks for any advice.