In addition to comments above:
Far too cluttered. The ‘content banner’ ‘Milling in your lathe’ at very top is easy to miss as one’s eye is attracted by the far-larger magazine title area immediately below. The subject itself in this banner is not inspiring: it is by its’ own admission ‘traditional'(!!) and has been covered many times. Might have been relevant to a wide range of ‘model engineers’ many years ago but far less-so nowadays. Get rid of this banner to clean-up the front cover. What are the two gears in the top-left corner there for?? Rod Jenkins didn’t ‘mill those in the lathe’! Tho’ nota: If he did, then suddenly I am very interested in his article. Article mentioned in the ‘Inside this packed Issue’ listing at bottom left of cover too; why is this article unique in getting mentioned twice on the cover?
‘The leading magazine … etc.’ banner (yellow background) immediately below title: Will anyone buy the mag simply because of it being ‘the leading mag’?? Take banner at bottom of page ‘Get more out of your workshop… etc.’ and move up replacing the ‘The Leading Mag …. etc.’ with words to the effect:
‘Get more out of your model engineering & workshop’. Or ‘Get the most … etc.’
Far more positive a message.
Lose the yellow banner at bottom of cover.
The red tag hanging-down from title banner at left, reads ‘New Look’: People will not buy the mag simply because of a ‘new look’ (??). Might attract a few ‘browsers’ to have a leaf through the magazine in WH Smith etc., so I can see that it may have a role to play; but how many are they? Suggest, if you must have ‘a message’ here then something like: ‘New Look, New approaches’. Nota: only true if you actually have some new aspirational articles to offer! We don’t know the actual content of any of the articles listed on the cover.
Main cover picture and subject chosen to focus on far too dull. So! Two locos have been brought together: nice (I guess). And I am a committed ‘loco-man’. But what about something focussing on the supposed subject of the magazine as the lead i.e. (model engineering) construction and workshop processes. At first glance the chosen main subject is hardly ‘aspirational’.
‘Inside this packed issue’ at bottom left beneath main pic’ looks like a listing of the articles in the order that they will appear in the mag’ (??) . Too-many topics – list some of the ‘big attractions’ if you must have something here, but you have already listed ‘Casting Polyurethane’ and ‘Make a Gear Depthing Tool’ elsewhere ‘dotted about’ on the cover with pics. Why distract from those if they are your big attractions to readers? With all the clutter is is actually easy to miss the ‘featured’ attractions. I would suggest that you loose this ‘Inside this packed issue’ altogether. A couple of items that will attract customers on cover with pics far better. If you do retain it then strongly suggest that you change the ‘heading’ to ‘Also Inside this Issue:’ and at the very least shift the Harold Hall ‘obituary’ to the end, I would not list it at all on the cover – politely suggest this is an article unlikely to attract many readers and unlikely to contribute to the stated topics of the mag’.
On a side-issue:
Who is ‘sohara’?? What is their role in this?? What is their actual influence?? Presumably works for Mortons’, but unless I have missed it there is no explanation nor introduction anywhere. Profile is blank.