I have just fabricated a Stuart 10V crankshaft. The short pin and the axle were sliding fits in the web holes and cleaned with acetone. My intuition is that Loctite 638 should hold it satisfactorily.
However, the plan indicates that pinning is expected.
I have searched the site and found good information, particularly from Ramon Wilson, but please could someone with experience advise me on the following:
(a) Is 1.6 mm mild steel (panel pin) a suitable diameter?
(b) The Stuart plan shows the pins extending through the “flat side edges” of the web. Would it not be better to go through the “curved ends” of the web?
(c) Do pins extend right through the diameter of the shafts into the web on the other side?
(d) Do pins need an interference fit such that they have to be inserted with firm taps of a hammer or will a sliding fit with Loctite suffice?