Another One Gone!


Another One Gone!

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    Chris Crew

      Yet another company is pulling out of manufacturing in the UK. This time it’s SKF Bearings in Luton that has closed its doors after a presence of 100 years. It seems Patrick Minford’s predictions are proving prescient (you will have to check that out before the political brickbats start flying!). I know some people will argue that manufacturing is thriving in the UK but I don’t actually think this is correct. We have, for example, the new Siemens and Hitachi train factories but these are really only ‘screwdriver’ operations as far as I can see. They are assembling trains with imported parts but they are not ‘actually’ manufacturing much. Maybe this doesn’t matter in the overall scheme of things, I don’t know because unlike Prof. Minford I am not an economist, but I can’t help thinking that the loss of basic manufacturing skills and knowhow can only be detrimental to the country.

      Michael Gilligan

        Couldn’t agree more, Chris !


        ”a nation of shop-keepers” is  a much more a appropriate categorisation.


        Tony Pratt 1

          Having worked in manufacturing in and around Luton all my life I am all too well aware that there is basically very little left, what a sad sad situation! My brother in law who worked for Jaguar said a few years ago that we actually produced more cars now than we did in the 70’s, who knows?

          Can anyone in simple terms explain how we can survive without making and selling ‘stuff’, just buying cheap from China etc. surely cannot be sustainable for ever.


          noel shelley

            My first thought as far as SKF and it’s products go is to consider the reason for the Schweinfurt raids and there impact on industrial production. Who else makes ball races in the UK now ? Even the local company who made specialist roller bearings was taken over by SKF. We punched above our weight for a long time, like many empires may be we have had our day ? Noel.

            Graham Meek

              Most of our Manufacturing industries were purchased long ago by Foreign companies. The withdrawal of these companies to their home base comes as no surprise to me. Especially now we are no longer part of the EU and it seems a Tariff war is about to erupt. The writing was on the wall for me with the closure of our last remaining Blast Furnaces. It would not surprise me if these never get replaced, the Chinese only have to say the project is un-economic and we are sunk. It would have been prudent to replace the Blast furnaces before closing them down.

              We are fast approaching a point where we will be unable to defend ourselves.




                I believe a lot of it is down to our blind following of the US claims culture. Pretty much every company has in house compliance and legal team now to try to help with not being sued .. by anyone.

                Go round Europe, they have the generally the same H&S laws as us and see how they operate. Its a different world.

                The simple fact now is it is so costly to make or do anything in the UK now that almost any other country can do it significantly cheaper. Everything split apart, every part wanting every risk assessment and method statement and insurances (the later being now so expensive that most small firms simply cant get involved)  before anyone can do anything then there is a cue of people telling you you cant do it. Not helping to come up with a solution just ‘No you cant do that I’m not happy with it’ .. but why… ‘I’m not happy with it’ ??

                Lots of companies now are so risk averse that they want to out source everything that may involve risk – need a light bulb changing that doesn’t even require steps (waist height)? maintenance prohibited from doing it, get an electrician in.

                A local firm is fabricating and doing some of the install on the great western rail line from London. They travel up oxford way in the early afternoon, couple of hours kip then on site for say 10PM. They cant actually do anything, along with all the Rail guys for 2 – 3 hours until someone agrees they can go to the side of the track. They will get stopped on a regular basis for someone to check they are in the right place / not going past a fence / someone just isn’t happy / other guys want tea break etc. The most work they have carried out in a night was almost 2 hours but regularly it is nothing at all because someone hasn’t spoken to someone so isn’t happy that they are doing what they are supposed to be doing and his check box isn’t ticked.

                They are still being paid (night rate), the company is still being paid handsomely etc

                I’m certainly not anti H&S but this is nothing to do with H&S, we have generated a hugely lucrative industry out of it thanks to the claims culture.

                If you were a company like SKF and it had become so cost prohibitive to operate in the UK what would you do?


                Sorry, anyone else want the box??

                Michael Gilligan

                  I regret to say that a browse through the SKF website puts the Luton operation into perspective:






                    Who else makes ball races in the UK now ?

                    There is a Koyo bearing factory outside Barnsley that appeared to be still operating when I passed it earlier in the year, and HB Bearings (who bought out Gamet) in Honley nr. Huddersfield that I know of reasonable locally.

                    Nigel B.

                    duncan webster 1
                      On Tony Pratt 1 Said:

                      Having worked in manufacturing in and around Luton all my life I am all too well aware that there is basically very little left, what a sad sad situation! My brother in law who worked for Jaguar said a few years ago that we actually produced more cars now than we did in the 70’s, who knows?

                      Can anyone in simple terms explain how we can survive without making and selling ‘stuff’, just buying cheap from China etc. surely cannot be sustainable for ever.


                      According to the politicians of the 80s, manufacturing was so ‘trade’ and we can make our living by service industries, cutting each other’s hair, selling each other insurance and so on. They seem not to understand wealth creation means you have to actually add value to something. And as others have said, assembling kits of parts made abroad doesn’t bring the ability to design and make the bits. I think I must be getting old! End of rant

                      Michael Gilligan

                        Douglas Adams covered a lot of this ‘hairdresser business’ rather well

                        … in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy



                          I saw something the other day suggesting that Volkswagen are in big trouble. Three factories closing, €200 Billion in debt and sales collapsing in their biggest market. Meanwhile Chinese car maker BYD are to build a massive factory in Turkey.

                          Then there are Robots. Unsure of the current prediction on that one but it’s probably only a matter of time.

                            On Michael Gilligan Said:

                            Douglas Adams covered a lot of this ‘hairdresser business’ rather well

                            … in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy


                            Including the advice to carry a towel wherever you go.

                            noel shelley

                              I worked, briefly in Belgium, one man spoke french, one spoke Flemish and I spoke English . The french speaker would ONLY use french, The Flemish fellow had some English and I had a bit of french and Flemish. No yellow jackets, gloves or steel toecaps, we were moving steel weighing over a ton per sheet by crane, what would our HSE boys have made of it ? This situation was quite normal over there, your safety was your responsibility NOT some one who had NO idea as to what or how the job needed to be done in an office 100 miles away.

                              I still have all my fingers and toes ! Noel.

                              duncan webster 1

                                I’m not sure how people being injured or killed at work would help the economy. Not putting useless jobsworth in charge of H&S would be a good idea, it’s the foreman’s job. In my dealings with HSE both professionally and as secretary of ME club I always found them very helpful, not obstructive at all. They are after the cowboys, not the people who are trying not to kill or maim.

                                Sonic Escape
                                  On Vic Said:

                                  I saw something the other day suggesting that Volkswagen are in big trouble. Three factories closing, €200 Billion in debt and sales collapsing in their biggest market. Meanwhile Chinese car maker BYD are to build a massive factory in Turkey.

                                  Then there are Robots. Unsure of the current prediction on that one but it’s probably only a matter of time.

                                  Also Cariad, the software division of VW is a disaster. They delayed new cars launch with up to 2 years because of unstable software. Porsche tried to get rid of Cariad OS and switched to Android auto.

                                  Michael Gilligan

                                    Being way out-of-touch with this stuff, I had to look-up CARIAD

                                    [ how dare they abuse a nice Welsh word ? ]



                                    Howard Lewis

                                      When Britain made things, we were “The workshop of the world”.

                                      Politicians gave away our inventions, and convinced us that shuffling paper did not mean getting dirty hands to prosper.

                                      When times get tough, any foreign owned business will curtail or close its off shore factories.

                                      It is only patriotism, which is a dirty word in UK.

                                      Way back in 1977 spent a little time in USA. Was told that a master plumber could name his price.

                                      But they understood and were happy to work to my back of an envelope sketches.

                                      Now being able to distinguish between a fine thread and a coarse one, let alone between a LH or a RH, is regarded as high tech!

                                      Model Engineering and the preservationists are the very few places where traditional skills remain, and can still function when nthe computer crashes. Compuers are incredibly fast (Except in my bank!) but have no initiative.  Maybe AI will cure that, then watch out human race!


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