Screw threads again


Screw threads again

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  • #760397
    Michael Gilligan

      I don’t want to intrude upon Bill Phinn’s cycle thread discussion … but I would like to share this with fellow microscopists and anyone else with a serious interest in thread-forms and/or  Imperial/Metric approximations.

      It should be self-explanatory, so there may be no need for replies or discussion

      … that’s fine by me.



      Edit: __ incidentally, it’s interesting to note that Japanese standards are available at relatively modest prices.


        Apparently there is free on-line access to British Standards On Line via some libraries, but the page on BSOL describing which ones has been taken down.
        You used to be able to access via a Northern Ireland library card, but I think that was withdrawn last November.
        Unfortunately my Derbyshire card doesn’t provide access as they haven’t bought an account for cost saving reasons.
        Lancashire still claims to, but I don’t have a card there; do we have any Lancastrian members?
        I think one or two libraries do have access, but only from their own buildings, and some universities allow access, but  via their own intranets.


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