Blackgates Twin, machining the standard


Blackgates Twin, machining the standard

Home Forums Beginners questions Blackgates Twin, machining the standard

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  • #760166
    Benedict White

      I was at the Midlands model engineering exhibition yesterday and bought the last Blackgates twin from there.


      Having got it home, I am looking at the standard, thinking about the best way to machine it. It looks like they, in their machined kits, did it on the lathe presumably in a 4 jaw chuck.

      Is that what people have done?


      If so, was it the first operation or did you square the base first to take the casting taper off first?


      Also, I presume that prior to putting it in the 4 jaw chuck you need to find the centre if the crank journal so as to drill and ream it to make sure the crank runs at 90 degrees to the port faces?

      Frank Gorse

        If you look at ‘Model Engine Maker’ website and search for ‘twin oscillators’ there’s a long correspondence that will answer all your questions and more. Sorry I don’t know how to do a link.

        Ramon Wilson

          Hello Benedict,

          Several years ago I rebuilt an example of the Blackgates Oscillator from a previiously poorly made example. I described this on Model Boat Mayhem here,53472.msg553724.html#msg553724

          You may feel that the info helps you as the machining ops are described

          Hope it helps – Tug

          Benedict White

            Many thanks Frank and Ramon, very helpful.


            The link to the “Model Engine Maker” thread is here, and covers both the Blackgates and Stuart osciltors where you can turn the Blackgates standard and and Blackgates and Stuart cylinders in the lathe.




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