The Day Coal Dies


The Day Coal Dies

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  • #756665
    Michael Gilligan

      This is, I suggest, worth reading:



        …but only if you are prepared to accept their cookies or pay.

        I guess that this is a reference to the same story I heard briefly on the Radio 4 this morning re stopping the use of coal for electricity generation? Just had a look at which takes in data from various sources and which shows a non-zero amount of electricity coming from coal. Generators spooling down? I know that others use different sources to look at power generation statistics – any other data around?

        Michael Gilligan
          On Nealeb Said:
          …but only if you are prepared to accept their cookies or pay […]

          That pop-up is new … I saw nothing-such this morning, when I read the article and posted the link.





            On Michael Gilligan Said:
            On Nealeb Said:
            …but only if you are prepared to accept their cookies or pay […]

            That pop-up is new … I saw nothing-such this morning, when I read the article and posted the link.





            I clicked on your link and the article was fully accessible in Apple News.

            I read a while ago that some Coal power stations have been run on “Biomass”. I think this is waste wood pellets from Canada?

            noel shelley

              May be this and the closure of the blast furnaces at Port Talbot should be a wake up call to those of us who have coal fired models to stock up with fuel ? Our boilers are designed for coal and although gas can be used with some modifications or possibly oil at a pinch neither has the smell of coal, hot oil or steam ! That we may be able to get some coal from other sources is fine but good proper steam coal may soon disappear.

              I hope the man from Signal Fuels will be at the Midland Show.   Noel.

              Nicholas Farr

                Hi, I got the same pop-up as Nealeb did earlier this morning, and I’m not paying £6.99, or accept all their cookies to read it. I already knew the last coal fired generation plant in the UK, closes today

                Regards Nick.

                Michael Gilligan

                  Sorry folks … but please don’t blame the innocent messenger 🙁

                  The [well-illustrated and very interesting] article was freely available on my iPad when I posted the link in the early hours … and this being a Model Engineering forum, I assumed the content would be of interest.

                  The ‘pay to avoid adverts’ idea seems to be the latest GDPR-based trick of the trade.



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