Best grade of stainless steel for knurling in a hobbyist lathe?


Best grade of stainless steel for knurling in a hobbyist lathe?

Home Forums Materials Best grade of stainless steel for knurling in a hobbyist lathe?

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  • #753066
    Mike Davies 3


      Question as title:

      I have some small parts ~dia around 8mm that I need to be knurled in my Boxford 5″ and wondered what the best grade of stainless is in respect of knurling ?



      Brian Wood


        Much depends on the knurling tooling you have. If you have a ‘push on’ type of knurl then it will be hard work. Stainless steel of most grades readily work hardens and this form of knurling depends on the strength of the lathe to be able to deform the workpiece sufficiently before it is too hard to work.

        The other form with opposed knurls works by loosely clamping the workpiece without the need to force it into contact as above. The clamping clearance can be adjusted as the knurl forms.

        Use plenty of coolant to wash away chips that will otherwise become embedded, run the job slowly, as low as 30-40 rpm and work the knurl backwards and forwards along the job as it goes to chase the knurl rather than concentrate effort in one area.

        Brush the job with a stainless brush when done to soften the raised points a little and remove any loose chips and dust

        Try 316 rather than 304 as a first attempt

        Regards   Brian

        Mike Davies 3

          Hi Brian,

          Thanks for the tip on 316 vs 304, I wouldn’t have guessed that.  It is a clamp style knurler and I wouldn’t want to use another type on my Boxford, they’re not the most massive machines out there…

          So I can experiment with my set up, what is the easiest metal to knurl with out of all the usual suspects ?  I might have a play before I go out and buy some stock…

          Thanks again,



            I would choose 304. I don’t know how well it knurls, but 316 is a true PITA. You might even need a cut knurl for this.

            Howard Lewis

              When knurling any material, I try to use the lowest possible speed and axial feed.

              FWIW, With the ability of stainless to work harden, I would try to make the knurl, with a clamp type knurling tool, in one pass, about 0.010″ (0.25 mm) deep, with plenty of lubrication.


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