Granville lathe


Granville lathe

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      Hello all,l am currently restoring a Granville Senior lathe and am in need of the rear leadscrew support bracket,the bracket on there at the moment is a rather crude home made affair,so l am in search of a genuine replacement,these lathes are very long in the tooth l know,but are still able to produce good work,so,if anyone has a granville senior for sale either as parts or complete,plrease do get in touch,many thanks,jack.

      Craig Brown

        Hello Jack. Although I can’t help you finding an original replacement I would be happy to make you a replica if you or somebody else has the required details/dimentions


          Hi craig,thanks for your reply,l do have a photo showing the bracket but there are no dimensions shown,however,its possible that l can produce a dimensioned drawing of the bracket to work from,the original would have been cast iron,l will see what l can come up with and get back to you,all the best,jack.

          not done it yet

            Granville items were often rebadged machines from other manufacturers.  Was this the case of this lathe?

            Neville Chase
              JACK SIDEBOTHAM

                yes neville,thats the one,came from the back of garage!!!,l managed to get the boot of my car between the lathe and a skip,amazing what folk throw away,the bracket l am after can be seen in that series of pictures,it supports the right hand end of the leadscrew,under the tailstock,l could also do with the leadscrew handle if anyone has one,if not,l will repurpose a myford handle,cheers neville.


                  ..looking at those pics, it could almost be worth trying a used ML7 bracket even if just to see how it compares..

                  ..the ‘general impression of proportion’ of the bits of the machine that matter look very similar indeed.

                  JACK SIDEBOTHAM

                    now thats an idea!!,will be looking into that possibility,a wise man indeed diogenes!!

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