Not sure of the actual article but quite possibly about the French System Loyal or our Southalls Patent, I know Westbury wrote a bit about them. Both of which were ways that were tried to bypass the Otto patent
Designs are about for the Model Engineer who wants to make one. Engineer’s Emporium have the “pioneer” and Poly have their “AGE” (atmospheric gas engine). There is also a barstock design about possibly by Phil Duclos. Over in the states several of Nick Roland’s engines use his “modified Loyal Cycle” such as the Type B which I have made
Hardy and Padmore who had the Southall Patend made quite a nice little engine the “Ideal” which I have drawn up at 4/10th scale and done the CAD work for. I’m just waiting for one of the castings to arrive then that will get built up. In the mean time Graham Corry has got the other set of castings built up and running. Bit of a gerry-rigged job at the moment as it is prooving difficult to get it to run with a small enough hot tube to look scale so a larger set of castings are being made. This is it on hot tube, note the ball bearing and hacksaw blade currently being used which mimic the hinged flap that H&P used on the exhaust valve that used gravity to close it. Soft spring on the atmospheric inlet for both types but loyal had a spring to close the exhaust
![ideal running]()
Also works with a spark plug, both using propane.
And if I get my finger out and finish the drawings then a replica of the loyal engine shown bottom right may appear