Help identifying small lathe


Help identifying small lathe

Home Forums General Questions Help identifying small lathe

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  • #750515
    David Walker 16

      I have just purchased this small lathe and need some help in identifying the make and model. I would like to get it back to original spec.

      overall length is aprox 17″, between centres 8″. The faceplate is 4″ dia and runs in a gap. I assume a 3 jaw chuck would be 3″ in dia. It looks like it had gears for traverse and maybe screwcutting.vintagelathe


        It has similar looks to the Perris Lathe, forerunner to the Cowell Lathes

        David Walker 16

          Thank you Michael it is indeed the SL90 version. Looks like a decent machine. Now need to do some investigating to find gear sizes etc.

          once again many thanks

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