Old Singer sewing-machine Wiring !


Old Singer sewing-machine Wiring !

Home Forums Electronics in the Workshop Old Singer sewing-machine Wiring !

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  • #750502
    Michael Gilligan

      It seems barely appropriate to put this in “Electronics” but I think it worth sharing.

      Three short but informative blog-posts about electrical safety:


      Part One includes hyperlinks to the others



        I’ve just gone through this minefield when rewiring a 1960s Singer machine (model 120k if memory serves).  There’s an awful lot of confusing and contradictory stuff on the interwebs (said he, trying not to sound surprised) so I went back to first principles.

        For that particular model I concluded that the construction of the electrical components, which form a self-contained unit, could safely be treated as class 2 so I wired and tested it accordingly.  I have upwards of 50 years electrical engineering experience, and am PAT certified.

        There will now be a short intermission while the barrack-room lawyers marshal their arguments.  I’ll let you know how things went after I’m released from chokey (if they can find me a room to share with all these rioters).


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