Cromwell Smallpeice Lathe restoration, advice required


Cromwell Smallpeice Lathe restoration, advice required

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  • #742778

      Following for the very useful tips offered in my intro thread, I now have some more specific queries as to how to get this old boy up and running, Belt Tension

      1. There doesn’t appear to be any way of tensioning a new drive belt. The old leather belt is frayed and the motors are all missing so I’m hoping to install a motor/inverter using the (very heavy!) pulley arm. So, how to tension a belt, which will just sit on one pulley (they’re slightly crowned), what sort of belt is best, assuming it’ll need joining, what recommendations for best inverter / motor kit, and what size of motor would be appropriate?


      2.0 Whilst I’m leaving the main internals, as they seem to be moving fine, just in need of a clean out and degrease, I was hoping to get into the back end, which involves removing a couple of covers, which looks straighforward other than theres this cog in the way, which I assume is removable, but how to go about it? The other cogs have come off no problem but this seems tight, and I think screwed on? Would this have a normal thread and just needs more force, and if so what tool do I need?


      rear end

      Adrian R2

        On 2. I would *guess* the gear is keyed and the plain round section unscrews by hand. Scroll down this page and there is a picture showing a threaded end of a spindle to back up my hunch.

        On 1a (belts) I don’t know – a long enough plain belt of approximately the right length, material and wrap will sort of tension itself so maybe just make one up and see if it works?

        Motor I leave to others – I bought a likely looking one of approx the right size and then a SEW VFD s/hand for my ancient flat belt lathe and got it running but probably only by good fortune.

        Clive Foster

          I’ve found spring loaded jockey pulleys effective for flat belt tensioning on drive systems that either lack appropriate adjustably or where re-engineering to fit in less space has necessitated removal of the factory system.

          That cast pulley arm looks to be well up to the job of supporting a jockey pulley system. If you engineer the pulley, bearings and spring on a self contained carrier that can be attached to the pulley arm by a couple or four bolts in tapped holes loss of originality will be minimal.

          If your useful bits box doesn’t have anything that could be used consider a car auxiliary drive belt tensioner as a source for most parts. On many vehicles the service schedule calls for the tensioner unit to be removed when the auxiliary drive belt is changes so there are plenty about.

          The primary issue with VFD boxes when used for machine tool speed variation is loss of torque at low speeds. As such it’s generally advisable to retain the standard mechanical multi-speed drive system. If funds permit a 6 or 8 pole motor is abetter fit than a standard 4 pole one due to the lower running speeds giving a better match of torque to job requirements. Alternatively use a smaller drive pulley on the motor if thats possible. On my last time round that particular loop a second countershaft not only fitted nicely into the proposed layout but could also be done from stuff to hand in the useful bits box(es).


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