Bit of help needed for Dyak loco


Bit of help needed for Dyak loco

Home Forums Locomotives Bit of help needed for Dyak loco

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  • #742114
    Michael Callaghan

      Hi, can anyone please let me know the following please. What size bolts are the used to hold the piston cylinder front plate closed. I know longer have the means to check after having a number of small tools including all my thread gauges pocketed by some toe rag.


        Each [cylinder end] cover is held on by six 3/32″ or 7BA screws, either cheese or hex. heads.

        Source: Model Engineer Magazine, Vol. 71, Issue No. 1746, October 25 1934, page 405

          On Weary Said:

          Each [cylinder end] cover is held on by six 3/32″ or 7BA screws, either cheese or hex. heads.

          Why is nothing ever easy!!!    Those two are incompatible, so unless Michael has, or can afford to buy, six of each, he still needs to find out.

          I’d roll something like a toothpick in the hole to capture the thread spacing, and measure the indentations in the wood.  May be tricky – this is a small thread.

          I don’t believe 3/32″ is British Standard, so could be American?  Unlikely given the age of the design.  In the UK small diameter screws are usually BA, so that’s my bet.





            Dave 3/32″ Whit was common on older models. Stuart Progress for example


            Michael Callaghan

              I think you need to take a pill mate if you call me Useless michael again. Very useless is ok. But truly you need to get over the name calling.

              Michael Callaghan


                  On Michael Callaghan Said:

                  I think you need to take a pill mate if you call me Useless michael again. Very useless is ok. But truly you need to get over the name calling.

                  I think Dave wrote “unless Michael” no e

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