You can certainly run it on a 220V VFD, but single phase is probably not going to work very well.
For single phase, you would need to connect it in a Steinmetz connection with a capacitor providing an approximation to the third phase. Looking at that saw, the motor looks reasonably powerful so it would be a big capacitor. You’d probably need to step 240V mains up to 400V with a transformer too. So practically, I wouldn’t go down this route.
If you open up the connection box on the motor, is it dual voltage, ie. are there links which enable it to be reconfigured from star to delta (or mesh). The motor plate may tell you already if it’s dual voltage. If so, reconfigure it to 220V and use a 220V VFD. If not, use a 220V VFD and refer to this article:
I’ve been running my Elliott Omnimill like this for years and it works well.
I see you mention already having the VFD. Personally I’d have a dedicated VFD per machine. Depending on which VFD you have, there can be issues switching at the synthesised 3 phase outputs, and I’d ideally rate the VFD to match the motor (but I haven’t always stuck to this).