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  • #738877

      Some of you may be interested in this website. It claims to be unbiased but I’m not convinced.  It does though contain a lot of information which you may find useful.


      Martin of Wick

        And here is what they don’t tell you….

        The modern gas meters are battery powered and although supposedly have a 10 year life, actually 3 years is more realistic especially if the unit is located outside. Compare to 15+ years for the old style meter, so the cost of maintenance is potentially up to 5 times higher! Guess who will pay for that.

        But here’s the thing… when the meter recording system fails, there is no record of how much or little energy you are using, the suppliers will tell you consumption will be based on their estimate, which as you imagine will be very much in their favour. Secondly when you report the meter as faulty (supposedly initiating a visit within 2 days), the first question they will ask is do you still have gas/electricity available. If you say yes, their next gambit is to arrange for a technician to ‘investigate’ at some point in the future (usually 6 to 10 weeks). Said technician will arrive and confirm the meter has failed and then arranges for an ‘engineer’ to visit at some point in the future (usually 6 to 10 weeks).  So if you are fortunate enough to resolve the issue, you have already spent over 6 months on estimated bills.

        Please note that you get no alert to the fact that the meter recording system has failed! My advice if this happens to you is to say you are receiving no energy to the property. They are legally required to address the issue within 2 or 3 days.

        And another thing….. The repeater unit that is supposed to give you a warm and rosy glow while you are seeing how much energy you are not using, is not a part of the metering system. If it fails, it will not usually be replaced. Oh well maybe it can be replaced, cost to you sir £60 plus VAT (prices may vary according to your supplier).

        So thanks to the nincompoops in the government and regulators and the venal greed and obstructionism of the energy retailers we have yet another botched implementation of what could have been a good idea but instead rips off the punters.

        If you really want a wild rant, just try me on standing charges….




        bernard towers

          Let me guess who paid for that website?

            On bernard towers Said:

            Let me guess who paid for that website?


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