MEW 341 “How to Build a Seismometer”


MEW 341 “How to Build a Seismometer”

Home Forums Model Engineers’ Workshop. MEW 341 “How to Build a Seismometer”

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  • #738256

      This should have been titled “How to waste a page”.  Really disappointed by this.  It was not a how to at all and provided nothing useful.

      I don’t know how others feel about this type of construction project, but I would have enjoyed reading a construction article about this device if it had been an actual “how to” article.

      Not all subscribers are capable of attending the model engineering expo that this “article” was advertising for.  I’m not in the UK, but it seems to me that if a fair number of Brits are capable of going then maybe just mention it in a couple of sentences in the editor’s opening page?  I hope Mr. Noel has a forthcoming “how to”.



      Michael Gilligan

        Prompted by your post, Mike … I summoned the necessary enthusiasm to open the mailer and have a look inside MEW [which, in itself, tells some harsh truths].

        The page is, I think, correctly described as a ‘preview’ and a ‘taster’ but yes, I agree with you … it is, in effect, almost worthless.

        As a small consolation … have a look here:




          Yeah, you’re right.  It’s a “preview” and a “taster”.  But staying in curmudgeon mode…”I don’t want previews and tasters that give me no useful information”.  At the very least, it could have provided a web link to the author’s project.

          (I’m in the US, and I used to subscribe to “Machinist’s Workshop” and “The Home Shop Machinist”, but unsubbed after too many lame projects that were drawn out over too many pages.  Same thing with “Nuts and Volts”, which I think stopped print production…Their own fault, in my opinion, for too many worthless projects and ads.  I actually like print magazines, but I want something worth reading.)

          That Raspberry PI link is interesting.  Thank you.  There’s one station not far away from me that I could compare data with, if I should ever build a seismometer.

          Mark Rand

            I am now drawing my state pension. I remember descriptions of seismometer design and construction from Scientific American magazine’s Amateur Scientist section and Practical Electronics magazine in the early 1970’s well enough to have a stab at making one. But that’s because I’m an officially certified old-fahrt. For those less decrepit, this may be An entirely new concept.

            The fact that it’s a taster for Mark Noel’s talk at MMEX is a side issue. Those who can and wish to attend, will. Others won’t, but might hope for an article or two in MEW afterwards. I hope to attend because it’s local to me and because we need to support all of the shows we can, but I would hope that those who can’t attend might be interested in reports from the show.

            PS:- The designs I remember had a zero length spring on the hypotenuse (the LaCoste suspension) plus vertical and horizontal sensing coils, which allowed detection of both P and S waves, though you still need two orthogonal siesmometers if you are looking for direction data.

            What the heck. It’s a project – A thing to make – Not everything is locomotives or boring/facing heads 😀

              On Mark Rand Said:

              I am now drawing my state pension. I remember descriptions of seismometer design and construction from Scientific American magazine’s Amateur Scientist section

              I’m forever waiting for the “Scientific American Book of Projects for the Amateur Scientist” by C.L. Stong to be offered for a reasonable price on the used market.  I saw a copy once and it is one of the legitimate uses of the word “amazing”.  So much great stuff in there.



              Peter Greene
                On MikeK Said:

                I’m forever waiting for the “Scientific American Book of Projects for the Amateur Scientist” by C.L. Stong to be offered for a reasonable price on the used market.  I saw a copy once and it is one of the legitimate uses of the word “amazing”.  So much great stuff in there.

                If you’re not set on the hardcover book, it was also issued some time ago on CD and has been around as a pdf.


                  On Peter Greene Said:
                  On MikeK Said:

                  I’m forever waiting for the “Scientific American Book of Projects for the Amateur Scientist” by C.L. Stong to be offered for a reasonable price on the used market.  I saw a copy once and it is one of the legitimate uses of the word “amazing”.  So much great stuff in there.

                  If you’re not set on the hardcover book, it was also issued some time ago on CD and has been around as a pdf.


                  Thanks, Peter.

                  Michael Gilligan

                    Here’s a legitimate source of the CD,  on your side of the pond, Mike:


                    Fred’s operation must be an Aladdin’s Cave


                    Michael Gilligan
                      On Mark Rand Said:


                      What the heck. It’s a project – A thing to make – Not everything is locomotives or boring/facing heads 😀

                      All praise for it being a project, Mark !!

                      I merely expressed support for Mike’s view that the ‘Advertorial’ page was a disappointing waste of space.



                        For anyone who would like to build such a device ‘Instructables’ has a suitable offering – DIY Seismometer



                          Careful, you might find that “waste of space” being filled by another file storage project if too many complain.😈



                          Graham Meek

                            To get back to the opening thread. I too must say I was expecting an article on the manufacture of such an item. It seems that these types of articles are no longer part of the Model Engineering scene. Everything has to be bought these days. It also seems of late, following remarks about “Boring Articles” that my efforts at authorship are not being received very well lately.

                            While Neil can only print what he receives, perhaps a few of the detractors should put pen to paper and show us how this should be done.

                            Once I have fulfilled my promise to Neil as regards outstanding articles this author will be putting the pen down after 14+ years.





                              Well the cover and contents page both mention it is a preview so not sure why people were expecting more when they got to page 40.

                              If the title of the talk is “How to make  ……” then the heading on the page also seems appropriate. Who knows if there is enough interest Mr Noel may be tempted to publish more details, that is assuming Neil does not already have something in the pipeline.

                              As for projects in general something you can’t easily go out and buy like this would probably get more interest. It is a sign of the times that many will now prefer to go out and buy a relatively inexpensive item than spend time making it. One only needs look at the range of castings that the likes of College Eng used to sell which they have now dropped due to lack of demand. With the imported lathes and mills making it possible for many more to own one they want to put it to work for whatever their hobby may be rather than spending their time making bits for it as the lathe and it’s tooling is just that another tool.

                              Graham Meek

                                Hi Jason,

                                Regrettably you have taken my post the wrong way. My first expectations when I saw the cover was this might be a “How to article”, that was until I read the “small print”. With hindsight I should have said that.

                                As regards purchasing tooling this is true, but how many times have you seen an oversize piece of tooling whizzing around on a small machine? This is not only reducing the available space on the machine but it can be dangerous. Or a 4″ vice originally intended for a Myford VMC mill sitting on a Sieg X1 complete with swivel base. I have seen this.

                                As an example some people think fitting a larger chuck to a lathe is a good idea. Until that is, when it collides with the cross-slide on the first approach of the tool towards the chuck jaws. Especially when using external jaws.

                                Whilst doing these things are up to the individual. Sooner or later a problem with the bearings is being posted on the Forum.



                                Michael Gilligan
                                  On JasonB Said:

                                  Well the cover and contents page both mention it is a preview so not sure why people were expecting more when they got to page 40.


                                  Just to make my own position clear, Jason

                                  I could see perfectly well that it was flagged as a preview, and that is why I referred to it as an ‘Advertorial’ … essentially it is yet another page-and-a-bit of self-promotional material for the Mortons empire, in place of useful content for the reader.

                                  … give me another page from Graham Meek over that, anytime!

                                  There was recently quite an active discussion about the hows and whys of the reduced interest in ‘Magazines’ … Will they never learn ?



                                    Gray, I was talking in general about projects and I did say “can’t go out and buy” and “relatively inexpensive” I’m not aware of many small boring & facing heads on the market and even the (larger) imports are not exactly inexpensive. So your offerings would not fit into either.

                                    Agree about vices and regularly post the same picture showing a 4″ overpowering an SX2.7 mill. It’s the same with the long table versions there is a demand for some reason but the length of dovetail does not increase proportionally so you get more play and droop which is not helped by an oversize vice on one end.

                                    Graham Meek

                                      Hi Jason,

                                      Points taken, and I concur.



                                      Dick H

                                          Thanks, Dick.

                                          I found a PDF version online.  I won’t post a link, since I don’t know if it breaks any laws.  Still like to have a real live paper book, though…For when the apocalypse happens. 🙂



                                          derek hall 1
                                            On JasonB Said:

                                            Well the cover and contents page both mention it is a preview so not sure why people were expecting more when they got to page 40.

                                            If the title of the talk is “How to make  ……” then the heading on the page also seems appropriate. Who knows if there is enough interest Mr Noel may be tempted to publish more details, that is assuming Neil does not already have something in the pipeline.

                                            As for projects in general something you can’t easily go out and buy like this would probably get more interest. It is a sign of the times that many will now prefer to go out and buy a relatively inexpensive item than spend time making it. One only needs look at the range of castings that the likes of College Eng used to sell which they have now dropped due to lack of demand. With the imported lathes and mills making it possible for many more to own one they want to put it to work for whatever their hobby may be rather than spending their time making bits for it as the lathe and it’s tooling is just that another tool.

                                            On Graham Meek Said:

                                            To get back to the opening thread. I too must say I was expecting an article on the manufacture of such an item. It seems that these types of articles are no longer part of the Model Engineering scene. Everything has to be bought these days. It also seems of late, following remarks about “Boring Articles” that my efforts at authorship are not being received very well lately.

                                            While Neil can only print what he receives, perhaps a few of the detractors should put pen to paper and show us how this should be done.

                                            Once I have fulfilled my promise to Neil as regards outstanding articles this author will be putting the pen down after 14+ years.




                                            Gray, please don’t you dare put down that pen!!!

                                            In the 1970’s the late, great and much missed George Thomas published an article about “Boring Tools”. These tools comprised a set of equipment that could be made (not bought) that would fulfill many of the tasks when boring holes using the lathe.

                                            Sad to say there were letters afterwards in the ME complaining about the ME publishing yet more articles on “boring tools” (obviously referring to making tools in general). It appeared that certain readers just wanted yet more articles about miniature choo choo engines at the expense of George Thomas!

                                            “You don’t not what you have got until it’s gone”



                                            duncan webster 1


                                              I always read your articles with interest and not a little awe. Please keep up the good work.

                                              Graham Meek

                                                Thanks Derek and Duncan, for your kind words.

                                                GHT was a close personal friend and I really benefitted from his Mentoring. I would not be where I am today without his help and guidance. He, like my Father, is sadly missed.

                                                I regret to say while I appreciate your support. Other things are prompting me to take this move. Writing any article takes a lot of my time. Time, which due to the vagaries of my illness, is in short supply in the course of a normal week. There was a time when I would be in the workshop at about 9.00 am, more recently I am lucky if I get there before Noon.

                                                Before the Forum changed the number of people viewing one of my posts was a good indicator to its popularity. This showed me if there was any mileage in writing an article on the post. This is no longer the case, although I did ask at the outset for this to be included.

                                                I also feel that the content of the Forum is moving away from my type of engineering. It also seems advice from a Professional and Qualified Engineer is not worth anything these days. I shall however continue to post my latest work.

                                                Thus it is with regret I have decided to call it a day as regards writing. For someone who was put down by his Grammar School English teacher as not going to amount to much where the written word was concerned. I can say I am pleased with my efforts. There are a number of articles with Neil and I have promised him several more. I intend to keep my promises, as regards the publication of these articles, that is not up to me.





                                                noel shelley

                                                  Dear Graham, At least yours was a Grammer School that commented on your future, I had similar comments from my secondary school ! May be I was a late developer ? Noel.

                                                  Peter Greene
                                                    On MikeK Said:


                                                    I found a PDF version online.  I won’t post a link, since I don’t know if it breaks any laws.  Still like to have a real live paper book, though…For when the apocalypse happens. 🙂





                                                    In addition, you might be interested in trying a Google search for < “Scientific American” “The Amateur Scientist” > and looking for

                                                    “Scientific American: The Amateur Scientist : The Complete Collection CD-ROM by Shawn Carlson (Editor) ”

                                                    It says it’s the complete collection of the Amateur Scientist column from 70 years of Sci-Am. I just found it on Amazon (.com) and ordered a copy. (I’m loathe to publish the direct Amazon link because it – the link – comes with a bunch of codes at the end and I’m never sure if some of those identify my account details)

                                                    Michael Gilligan
                                                      On Peter Greene Said:
                                                      (I’m loathe to publish the direct Amazon link because it – the link – comes with a bunch of codes at the end and I’m never sure if some of those identify my account details)

                                                      Wise to be cautious, Peter … but: If you cut & paste the first part of the link [up to the end of the item number only], it should still work.

                                                      All the rest of the guff basically tracks how you arrived there.



                                                      Thusly for those in the U.K.


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