New member from vancouver Canada


New member from vancouver Canada

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  • #735320

      Hi there.

      I work as a Special Effects tech/fabricator in the film industry (past 20 plus years), I was born and raised in Calgary Alberta Canada, and I’m now living in vancouver British Columbia. (15 years)

      I’ve stumbled upon this club/forum in search of some parts needed for a Milling machine My grandfather built in the 70’s.

      He stamped a brass tag on it that says:

      “Model engineering services

      6 kennet vale , brockwell chesterfield

      Derbyshire S40 4EW”


      the mill is really small.

      The Collets have a “key” for a flat on the tang of endmills that would go in, instead of cylindrical all the way through.

      Looking for some input as to where, or IF, the collets would be available anywhere..


      thanks so much

      bernard towers

        A photograph would help immensely ! Sounds a bit like a Dore Westbury, if you google and look it up under the tool archive you will see photos and tech details. Best of luck.

        Brian Wood

          Hello Kelico,

          Welcome to the Forum.

          I think your mill would be the Dore-Westbury that your grandad built from a kit of parts, either the Mk1 the Mk2 depending on kit he built from.

          I did at one time have a morse taper holder for the collets which are a close fit in the bore of the holder with a cross piece at the base to drive them. At the bottom of the holder is a pointed cone that locates in a centre in the cutters, against which outer cap for the collets can screw down onto to provide grip on the cutter. I sold mine on in favour of the more useful spring collets that are now widely used to take advantage of the variability they provide in gripping diameters within a range of 1mm differences. I think too they are more accurate in locating cutters than the Osborn Titanic type I was describing earlier

          Small the mill  maybe but I have had excellent service from mine, the Mk2 with 3MT bore, that I built over 30 years ago. Its only annoying drawback in use is the round column support that makes it very easy to lose position above work if you have to alter the ‘daylight’ height below the cutter. A laser lecture pointer, the type which projects a spot, mounted on the mill body is useful in re-established that position.

          I hope that helps you

          Kind regards



            Hello Kelico,

            I have a Dore-Westbury milling machine complete with Clarkson Autolock end mill chuck which seems to be the one you describe. I’ll post some photos to confirm, when I discover how to do that ! You also mention the problem of losing position when raising or lowering the collumn. As an alternative to the solution mentioned by Brian above my machine has a keyway machined in the coarse screwed tube with a corresponding removable key on the top of the mating casting. Feel free to P(rivate)M(message) me if you need further info.IMG_0220D-W OperationalD-W Parted



              Thank you so much for the replies so quickly.  I didnt know how to upload photos, or if I had permission, as it was my first post after registering..

              so.. here are some photos.  My cousin now owns the mill, but I’m trying to help out a bit on finding solutions for the collet situation.


              thanks again, I really appreciate it





                Yep.. its a Dore-westbury mill for sure.

                Awesome information!! Thanks again so much

                Harry Wilkes

                  Hi Kelico welcome to the forum


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