I recently purchased a ‘Super-7B’, The Serial # is: SK45** (a 1955 machine,I believe), and the quick-change gearbox is QC16**.
I am trying to establish if the Metric Kit from Myford will fit this gearbox. Myford say that it will, which I believe – however, I have heard that these early gearboxes ran at 50% of the speed that the later gearboxes fitted with hardened gears ran at – does anyone know if this is true??
I found this snippet during my search for information:
“The first quick-change gearbox became available in 1955, the gearbox used soft gears and the leadscrew drive was on the righthand side of the gearbox. In 1956, hardened gears were fitted to the gearbox.
December 1956, the gearbox design was completely revised and, from gearbox No. QC2501, the leadscrew passed through the gearbox and the drive was taken form the lefthand side.”
Could this be an indication that perhaps these early gearboxes may also have operated at a different speed?? Someone posted on-line to this affect, but I cannot find any further information.
My guess is that the Metric Kit quadrant & tumbler gears, etc. may fit, but that they will not produce metric thread cuts due to the differing operating speed(s)??
Can anyone cast any light in this??
Your help greatly appreciated, many thanks