Been Lurking


Been Lurking

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  • #728596

      Joined up a while back and have been reading through lots of very informative threads. Always have had an irrational interest in small scale steam. Grew up in a neighborhood where we could hear the whistle on Saturday afternoon from the nearby Joyland Park featuring an Ottaway Steam Locomotive

      warming up. Loved to get there first and sit right behind the engineer and watch him stoke the firebox and work the valves and then chug around the track. Even looked into buying the train years later when the facility finally closed, but long gone to a collector. Never pursued the interest with lots of conflicting time demands: family, work, and a musical avocation.

      Several years ago, as a fully retired grandfather, I began assembling a machine shop, and started out on a couple of Hemingway kits, currently working on their universal pillar tool. I like making tools but have been looking for a new “product” project. Happened across some references to Boulton and Watt’s 18th century beam engines, became fascinated with their workings, and realized there is a whole industry built around stationary engine modeling. Seems a more attainable goal to build a Stuart Major Beam engine than to fantasize about recreating a 12” scale railroad. So that’s going to be my next project.

      I’ll have questions I’m sure, and looking forward to communicating with you all



      Nigel Graham 2

        “…irrational…” ?? 🙂

        Welcome to the site!

        I know the Hemingway Kits, and am very happy with them, having built their Boring-bar set, a ‘Worden’ pattern tool-&-cutter grinder and just started on a Slotting Attachment (keyway cutter).

        noel shelley

          Welcome to the party.There are many interesting people on here and If you have a question some one will know the answer. Best wishes, Noel.

          Howard Lewis


            Have always got on well with the Hemingway kits that I have bought. (One or two have been modified to imnprove operation, but a good starting point.)

            Not skilled enough to make good models, so make tooling, usually home brewed for a specific project, or as a “Nice to have”, even if they see little further use.

            My Worden cutter grinder is principally used for four fact drill grinding, and for lathe tools, although it was used for an inserted carbide tooth shell mill.

            These things are often used as part of our Society’s displays at local shows.



              Thanks, gents

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