Jersey Lily – Frames ?


Jersey Lily – Frames ?

Home Forums Locomotives Jersey Lily – Frames ?

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  • #727906
    Clive Joseph 2

      Hi, I am in the process of building an Atlantic Loco – Don Youngs Jersey Lily. I have a question regarding the Loco frames. Hopefully someone who has knowledge of the design or has built one will be able to assist. The Frames are bent, the drawings show the detail of the bend but are vague regarding the ‘angle’ of the bend when viewed ‘side on’. I have frames that are bent (3mm Mild Steel – no mean feat) accurately to the drawing, however they are at 90 degrees to the frame (ie not angled). I am assuming this angle is critical to some degree as the Motion Plate then sits at this angle ? or is it not that critical at all ? TIA

      Clive Brown 1

        Surely the motion plate sits at right-angles to the loco centre line, or have I misunderstood the description above?

        Clive Joseph 2

          The frames have 2 centre lines – one for the rear section (not subject of the bend) and one to the front of the frame, which after the bend would be slightly down sloping, this is the section the motion plate would sit at a right angle to. Hope this makes sense, difficult to explain !

          duncan webster 1

            I’m afraid I don’t understand the question, sketch or photo required



              Yes the bend is critical and is at 2 degrees to match the centre line of motion, albeit with the motion plate being perpendicular to it. Don made Jersey Lil unnecessarily complex here as he inclined the motion plate at 2 degrees so the bored holes for the valve spindle guides can be bored at 90 degrees and fit the centre line. In all honesty you are better off keeping the frame bend line as it is, keep your motion plate dead plumb and bore the valve spindle guides holes at the 2 degrees – if you look at drawings of the full sized engines this is exactly what they did.

              It is a difficult design to build I think: Don never built most of the engines he designed and Jersey is a pain to make and assemble. A couple of mods I have made to the frames for mine are to make both the cylinder stretchers from solid 3/8″ thick steel and scrapped the flanged stretcher with all the 6ba nuts and bolts. You will have the cylinders on and off countless times in the build so mine are held on with x8 4ba 3/4″ long socket screws in blind holes in the stretchers I can buzz off with my electric drill: the cylinders are effectively locked in place in the frame cut outs. The previous builder also made a mod with a small cut out in the frames where the cylinders protrude to allow the valve stuffing box and spindle through so the valve chest can be bolted to the back of the cylinder block, otherwise as things stand it is impossible to assemble the second valve chest inside the frames without taking them apart!!

              I hope that helps!

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