What is Blockquote? and why do we need it?


What is Blockquote? and why do we need it?

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  • #705151
    Ian P

      Title says it all really.

      In case you have not tried it, This is Blockquote

      ‘Why’ also applies to the other text formatting facilities offered by this new forum software. Because this is a discussion forum I doubt many of us will be submitting complex documents that need numbered or bulleted lists, or right justified paragraphs for that matter.

      To be able to highlight the salient words in quoted text is a distant dream….

      The ability to be able to use the following in the editor would be like Christmas coming early for me,
      Choose fonts (even a limited range)
      Change font size
      Change font colour
      Underline would be better than strikethrough (but neither are that useful here)

      I only mention this now that the software team seem now to be tinkering with (to me ) minor details like the cookie and captcha icons, so they must be satisfied with their handiwork on the speed and login fixes. Maybe one day they will get round to removing the multiplicity/duplication of ‘forum’ and ‘subscribe’ buttons???

      Ian P

      Michael Gilligan

        Blockquote is simply a way of ‘quoting’ something [apparently anything!] without the need to reference the source.

        It is clearly more convenient than, for example, properly quoting a long post and then editing-out most of the content.


        Michael Gilligan
          On Ian P Said:

          Title says it all really.

          In case you have not tried it, This is Blockquote

          ‘Why’ also applies to the other text formatting facilities …

          Here, for example I am quoting part of your post whilst correctly acknowledging that there was more content.


          Michael Gilligan

            … and here, I am not:

            Title says it all really.

            In case you have not tried it, This is Blockquote
            ‘Why’ also applies to the other text formatting facilities

            Ian P

              Yes, I see what it does. My point is that why would we need to use up about 10 lines of vertical space (shaded grey background) for one line of text. OK the wasted grey space might only be a small percentage if a massive paragraph was the block quote.

              The vertical bar offsetting for each quoted can be useful I admit but it does not need to be so tall in relation to the text.

              Ian P

              File Handle

                If you don’t like the way the block quote tag displays simply code your own browser and you can display it how you like.


                  The WordPress Editor


                  The editor provided is basically a sub-set of the WordPress old standard editor. I say old because it has been superseded by the new Block editor. One of the toolbars to the standard editor has been removed (or access denied)

                  The full editor allows Headings:
                  <h1 style=”padding-left: 80px;”>Heading 1</h1>
                  <h5 style=”padding-left: 80px;”>Heading 2</h5>
                  <p style=”padding-left: 80px;”>Heading 5</p>
                  etc Along with Colours as in Red, Blue, Green,  Special characters ΩβΞ  and a few other bits.

                  Whilst I can copy these and paste into the Forum edit box all the formatting is lost as is the HTML if I copy and paste that as above



                    The ability to be able to use the following in the editor would be like Christmas coming early for me,

                    You have a long wait until xmas comes round again but never to late to start wishing

                    Choose fonts (even a limited range)

                    Probably not something that would get used much

                    Change font size

                    Again may only get used a small amount

                    Change font colour


                    Underline would be better than strikethrough (but neither are that useful)

                    Underline is useful if no other highlight is available. Superscript for things like area and volume so the ² & ³ are raised would be good

                    Oh and looks like I have found a use for block quote too.

                    As the editing options only take up half the editor on a PC screen then there is room to add some more, probably better to have less on the phone option as to put them all there would take up 2 or 3 lines.

                    A bit more contrast to the quote background colour would not go amiss either

                    Lastly I would not say the cookie and login changes were minor issues, look and user friendlyness are low down the list.

                    Edited to show off Moderators Perks


                      It may have been mentioned elsewhere but you can get some extra formatting codes by pressing:-

                      Shift + Alt + H
                      <h2>You can get Headings</h2>
                      Underline text (which was mentioned)

                      but not all the commands are operable. And when you submit the text it disappears, oh well!!



                      Grindstone Cowboy

                        Just testing

                        This is underlined

                        This is bold

                        This is italics


                        Edit – ah, didn’t fully work as expected

                          On Grindstone Cowboy Said:

                          Just testing

                          This is underlined

                          This is bold

                          This is italics


                          Edit – ah, didn’t fully work as expected

                          I tried that a while ago, but it doesn’t seem to have been noticed. Point 12B
                          or at least not provided (yet).
                          Like you, I was fooled when it worked in the edit/compose pane.

                          It does make it tricky to quote someone, whilst retaining the italicised highlighting in the original text; compare your original post to where I quoted you above.

                          Bold & Italic can be combined though from both the icons and Control B or I, it’s just U that doesn’t carry over.
                          Given that this is an engineering forum, it’s a shame we are also missing superscript and subscript from the formatting banner/ribbon.


                          File Handle

                            It is interesting to see what is happening behind the scenes if you use your browser or an editor to look at the source code behind the pages.
                            If you don’t like the way pages are displayed you can also use the setting in your browser to change how pages display. If you compare different browsers there are subtle differences in the way pages are displayed.


                            sup {
                            vertical-align: super;
                            font-size: smaller;
                            <p>Normal <sup>super</sup></p>
                            <p>5<sup>3</sup>= 125.</p>

                            End of test

                            File Handle

                              I think that I tried to create superscript on a previous occasion with HTML, which didn’t work so thought CSS might, but no.

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