That set is cheap. There is a No 8 advertised at £8,000.00+.
My brother-in-law inherited a chest full of Meccano from his dad. A burly ex-rugby player, he needed help lifting at the dump. Only mentioned it years ago when I said I was building a Meccano clock. I was horrified: even then Meccano in good condition, especially complete sets, went for big money. Meccano in poor condition isn’t valuable, and it’s possible to make a healthy profit by straightening and repainting it.
Last time I checked, the French firm who kept the trade-name are still making new parts but only for themed sets, not general purpose engineering. Traditional Meccano was popular in India, where a firm made new parts, and probably still does. Both made nuts and bolts, and they’re probably the most common Whitworth fasteners still being manufactured. Excellent for Meccano modelling because the coarse threads are so easily done and undone. Terrible for everything else for the same reason – small diameter coarse Whitworth threads come undone far too easily!
French Meccano had a long relationship with the British firm, starting by making a few parts under licence, then increasingly taking over as the UK operation went pear-shaped. British sets often contained parts stamped ‘Fabrique en Angleterre’, ‘Meccano France’, ‘Made in England’ and other variations, and maybe French sets were a mix too.
Meccano’s downfall was partly changing fashion, but mostly the way the business was run later on. Frank Hornby was an modelling enthusiast, competent engineer and a first-class business man. When he died, his son took over and seems not to have inherited any of his dads’ talents, or perhaps he just lacked energy. The business went into a slow decline, and even after it was taken over, UK Meccano lost money, and was eventually shut down.
The French operation did better by only selling a narrow range of products aimed carefully at contemporary children, and these don’t appeal to me at all. However, the French didn’t make the mistake of assuming what made Meccano popular with boys before WW1 still applied 50 years later.
I recommend traditional Meccano wholeheartedly. Adults will certainly appreciate it for modelling, prototyping and extensible play. For some machine modelling purposes, it can be a good substitute for 3D-CAD. For advanced modellers, Meccano’s pointillist appearance is well-suited to certain high-end models – done well it produces the perfect blend of art and technology evident in the Spitfire and steam-punk.