7 January 2024 at 23:08 Ady1 Said:
I would like to lodge a complaint about the total lack of global warming in Scotland over the last 12 months
This winter has been as cold and crappy as any I have ever experienced over the last 60 years and last year it didn’t even warm up until the third week in May
If the science is accurate I should been looking forwards to a future of ripping out my central heating and enjoying California style balmy winters at home and blistering summers on the beach… but it’s not even close yet
Funnily enough, I was chatting with a neighbour who denies climate change on the basis he personally hasn’t noticed any difference in Zummerzet weather. Excellent news if he were right, but he’s wrong.
Not entirely his fault because the evidence for global warming is rather subtle. People are poor thermometers, and our senses have no chance of detecting that the world’s oceans are warming up. At the moment, the oceans are ‘only’ 0.93°C warmer than the 20th century average. Detecting this level of temperature change needs instrumentation and statistical analysis, more data the better – millions of observations taken over the whole planet, including the geological record in ice cores and other techniques. You and I looking out the window and applying “common sense” is useless.
Predicting the effect of an increase in average temperature on weather is also beyond personal experience, mostly. It requires an understanding of the difference between temperature and heat. A flaming match head burns at a very high temperature, but the amount of heat produced is low and a very large number of match heads would have to be burnt to boil a bucketful of cold water. That the whole surface of the planet being about 1°C warmer on average may not seem serious to Joe Public, but it represents an enormous amount of energy, billions of times more than all man-made sources combined.
What that extra energy does to our world, and the scale of those effects, is again not obvious in terms of personal experience, other than noticing perhaps the weather is a bit odd. But the basic science is well-understood, and anyone with an interest in steam and internal combustion engines knows that heat can and does cause powerful physical movements. Climate might be defined as ‘average weather’, and it will be somewhat warmer, but far more turbulent.
Ady believes climate science predicts Californian winters in Scotland. It doesn’t! The science predicts more severe weather, rarely beneficial. Desert areas will tend to become drier and wetter areas will tend to experience heavier rainfall. Icecaps and glacier will tend to melt, and there will be less snow than before, but individual snowfalls are likely to be heavier than before. Violent peaks and troughs rather than the moderate weather we take for granted.
Average weather is also difficult for individuals to comprehend. Experience is misleading. I have a vague memory of a lifetime of mild and harsh winters, dry and wet summers, but without doing the maths I can’t say the average has changed, good or bad. Therefore too many have chosen to disbelieve expurts. However, more and more of us are having our noses rubbed in the evidence! Plenty of people are having real problems due to climate change: rising sea levels, heavy rainfall and growing deserts are forcing communities to emigrate. So far the worst has occurred abroad, but the pain is spreading.
Even in Scotland there is plenty of evidence! Ady may not have noticed Scottish Winters are warmer, but the ski-resort at Aviemore has. Adequate winter snow was a safe bet when Aviemore first opened, but snow has become increasingly unreliable since about 1980. At the same time Insurance companies are responding to increased flood and storm damage claims from Scots. Folk who have repeatedly had their homes flooded find their insurance premiums go up, or no-one will insure them. Uninsurable houses are difficult to sell, so their owners take big financial losses too.
Naturally enough, no one living safely south of the border worries about Scottish misery, unless they happen to live on one of the many English housing estates built on flood planes by builders and planning authorities who continue to believe in pre-climate change flood risk predictions. Unfortunate for home owners who trusted them, because severe weather events that “should” only happen once a century are occurring every 10 years, or more often, and it’s happening worldwide.
And although science has identified the cause, this too is beyond “common sense”. It’s not at all obvious that relatively small quantities of certain gases released into the atmosphere will increase the amount of solar energy being trapped. Far from obvious on a cold cloudy January that the sun is still delivering a lot of energy. Roughly a kilowatt per square meter, which is enormous. The problem is the sheer amount of heat arriving at the surface and what happens to it. Fortunately most is reflected or radiated back into outer-space, otherwise we’d cook. Equally important, we don’t freeze, because the atmosphere acts like a blanket and traps just enough heat to keep us cosy. It’s a delicate balance though, and burning huge quantities of fossil fuels has improved the atmosphere’s insulating properties enough to start us overheating. Not good for the environment to be too hot or too cold because extremes reduce food and water supply, and that triggers conflict. We are only 3 square meals away from anarchy.
Anyone who feels better when scientists get stuff wrong can be happy. Average temperature is rising faster than predicted by the scientific models! Very bad news, because it means the consequences of climate change over the next half century or so cannot be avoided whatever is done. Climate change deniers would have made an enormous fuss if the models had overestimated the problem, total silence when the facts show the scientists are under-estimating. Ironic, eh?