So many ‘web developers’ just cut/paste cookie solutions in and don’t really know or care on the details.
True, but how is that consistent with jaCK’s earlier statement:
The Cookie Law – well intentioned privacy law that has just messed up the web. I suspect it has very little impact on privacy but a massive negative impact on usability or the web for everyone around the world. Perhaps the first originated in the EU? Almost enough to make you want to Brexit… but that doesn’t work in this case.
I suspect the only people who ‘like’ it are those who pretend that they suffer damage when it isn’t honoured and make a living threatening website owners with legal action.
Unfortunately this view is misplaced because cookies can be misused; sadly they’re a significant security and privacy risk. The EU happened to be first to legislate, but pretty much every other authority in the world was about to act as well. (But how dare the EU strive to keep Brits safe and raise our standard of living? Unacceptable! )
Having to decide to whether or not to allow cookies is a necessary nuisance. So is locking the front door, fitting a burglar alarm, checking cash point machines for illicit cameras, innoculations, and wearing a condom. All these precautions and many others are optional, but thoughtless persons still flash Gold Rolex watches in mugging hot-spots, leave cars with the engine running while they pop into a shop, hide keys under the mat, stuff mattresses with cash, catch embarrassing social diseases, and splash personal information around the internet.
Nothing new in the need to be careful about gobbing off in public!
My advice, reject cookies unless you have a specific reason for allowing them. Cyber-crime is the UK’s largest biggest criminal problem, by value and sloppy computer security makes it much easier for them.