this is the worst site possible


this is the worst site possible

Home Forums Website Questions, Comments, and Suggestions this is the worst site possible

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    Frances IoM

      I can (eventually) login, go back to forums, then find I’m logged out – yet can start a new topic – all I can suggest is that the site is on the same track as MEW ie downwards heading for oblivion – eg if you just enter site without being logged in you can see latest replies except that each time you enter these can be 2 or 3 days behind the latest reply – totally cr@p


        Frances, There is another thread(s) on this but I’ll repeat it here as a lot of people are getting the same problem including me this morning.

        If you log in and then get logged out as soon as you click “Forums” then that can often be solved but pressing F5

        We had the problem a few weeks ago and it was then said to be fixed however the powers that be decided to add the “consent Preferences” Last Friday which seems to have brought it back. Not helped by the fact they have now gone on holiday until the 3rd.

        Harry Wilkes

          Me to found myself logged out this morning after several attempts managed to log back in, one fails to understand why they added the ‘consent preferences ‘ when the forum is still so unstable and before a weeks holiday.



          Kiwi Bloke

            Well, it’s possible there are worse sites, but this one’s trying hard. It’s going backwards.

            When not logged in, Latest Replies adamantly refused to show anything later than 22 Dec. Accessing the forum via a search engine, which found Frances’ post, and ‘Latest Posts’ behaved. Then I tried other things (now forgotten) and discovered Latest Posts is behaving erratically.

            This has gone on long enough, surely. Sack those who had the silly idea of shutting down something which worked, presumably in the name of progress, and spent goodness knows how much money on incompetence. Dump this mess and start again.

            Happy Christmas everyone (well, the dwindling number of ‘participants’ who are left), and that includes the poor buggers trying to fix this disaster.

            Michael Gilligan

              The forum site continues to “work” on the iPad

              I suggest that the first job for the revitalised Developers must be to investigate the incompatibilities.

              If they don’t address this soon … We’re Doomed !!


              Matt T

                Maybe I’m ignorant to the frustration because on the whole it’s worked pretty well for me. I mostly access the site on my phone and other than slow load times I’ve not had many issues. The site isn’t super optimised for mobile but it’s functional.

                That said, isn’t calling for people’s heads a little extreme? The site works well enough for everyone to post all their grievances on it, so clearly it’s working. I understand people might not like the change but things do progress and I’m sure in time bugs can be fixed, but it’s a process. Consider your own process when you’re building something, a little fit and finishing nearly always required.

                Have a merry Christmas!


                  Does it, have a look at this thread on another site where Lee thought the site had closed. How many more have thought the same and just gone quietly away? Based on the activity that is see then it is a lot as traffic and postings are well down on what I would expect.

                  Luckily I also visit other forums and was able to post a reply which hopefully other lost soles will also see.

                  jaCK Hobson

                    A disaster migration but lots of issues have been resolved. I can, at least, interact now without constant frustration. I guess the moral is that if you want to run a forum, use forum software.

                    I feel sorry for the people involved in the implementation – but they are making progress. Good job – keep going!

                    Martin Connelly

                      I have no issues, using Win10

                      Martin C

                      File Handle

                        The worst site I saw was created by one of my students many years ago now. It was simply a white page. it did have links but you had to find them. I recall others who were really good, except that rather than working to a brief they would create something that looked really good, but wasn’t what the brief asked for. I wonder what they are doing now.

                        bernard towers

                          now being logged out where it did not happen before and trying to log back in is a lottery.


                            No problems. Windows 11 Home edition.


                            File Handle

                              Is that because you are logged in all of the time? Usually goes backwards if you log out.


                                The problem is not consistant and that makes it hard for admin to replicate.

                                I’m using W10 and it took me 5mins to get logged in a while ago

                                I have heard from Darren so maybe it will get sorted soon.

                                Also heard from Francess who finally managed to see her post by searching for the date and even then can only see three replies.

                                Peter Greene
                                  On Michael Gilligan Said:

                                  The forum site continues to “work” on the iPad

                                  On yours perhaps Michael – I have the “Dec 22 problem” on mine still.

                                  I actually have little if any problem accessing/viewing/posting to the forums from my main machine: Desktop running Win 8.1. I use a bookmark link direct to the latest posts page (as I always did on the previous site) and I’ve been forcibly logged out just once (when they introduced the cookie question pop-up).

                                  …. actually, it occurs to me that the forced logout when answering the cookie question might actually be to do with confirming your choices on your user record.

                                  Michael Gilligan
                                    On JasonB Said:

                                    … even then can only see three replies.


                                    Might the word Blocked [in place of Participant] be relevant, Jason  ??



                                      No, don’t think so but that is something else I’m trying to get sorted

                                      Harry Wilkes

                                        I’ve had major problems across three platforms Win 10 Linux & Android but the last week has been trouble free until this AM found myself logged out and it took several attempts to log back in.

                                        But if it ever gets fixed and given the inconsistencies it’s going to take a long time I think its always going to look so bland there’s just to much white or off white whatever you want to call it.


                                        Kiwi Bloke

                                          I (thought I had) posted a grumpy reply to this thread 3 days ago. Where is it? It’s logged in my ‘Activity’ correctly. The forum is no worse off for not displaying my post, but it shows there are more problems… Seems like the recent claimed speed improvement has made the problems appear more quickly…

                                          Are continuing attempts to try to fix this mess an example of the ‘Sunk Cost Fallacy’ in action?

                                          Ian P
                                            On Kiwi Bloke Said:

                                            I (thought I had) posted a grumpy reply to this thread 3 days ago. Where is it? It’s logged in my ‘Activity’ correctly. The forum is no worse off for not displaying my post, but it shows there are more problems… Seems like the recent claimed speed improvement has made the problems appear more quickly…

                                            Are continuing attempts to try to fix this mess an example of the ‘Sunk Cost Fallacy’ in action?

                                            I had to Google the Sunk Cost Fallacy you mentioned and now know what it means so have to agree with your surmisal.

                                            The more I see and learn about the shenanigans over the last couple of months the more I am convinced that this new ‘better’ website was created by persons or people who had never created a website previously.

                                            Ian P


                                            Harry Wilkes

                                              Me to had to google it and also agree


                                              Michael Gilligan

                                                Yes it’s a fallacy, and any competent ‘bean counter’ will recognise it as such … but it’s a very powerful fallacy, which the ‘sinkers’ will cling onto for as long as they can.

                                                Why? … because ultimately, they will end-up carrying the blame.



                                                  Unless I log in I don’t actually see any activity after 22nd of December

                                                  So there will be quite a few users using bookmarks and waiting for this place to “re-open”


                                                    Emails from yesterday now seem to confirm my feeling that nothing will be done about the current log in and not very latest replies until at least the 3rd Jan.

                                                    It’s not just those waiting for it to reopen, I’ve been contacted by PM on other forums and email buy those that think the forum has packed up.

                                                    I have long felt that the guys at Mortons are really out of their depth. The Developers were supposed to do it all and handover a website and forum that they would just have to maintain but the Developers only really transferred the date and left Mortons to try and sort the rest.

                                                    Kiwi, looks like it is the 4th reply down this page, shows for me.

                                                    EDIT It now seems they are going to look at the problem today, maybe my rather critical emails from yesterday have got them to pull their finger out.

                                                    Nicholas Farr

                                                      Hi JasonB, I think if they don’t soon get the log in problems sorted soon, they will loose a lot of support, it again took me a number of attempts to get logged in today, to the point that I almost gave up, and wasting my time.

                                                      Regards Nick.

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