Yes – I have been led to believe that balancing isn’t much of an option. Also I need to cut down the variables in my learning. Hence go for a quality, recommended wheel. I trust 3M and Norton from experience with belt abrasives.
Abtec do seem to have online purchasing but not so easy to pick a suitable wheel.
I have A LOT (many 10s) of wheels at the back of my storage shed – new but old stock. So old the paper has probably peeled off them so might not be easy to identify what they are, but otherwise they were in good condition when I put them there – if anyone near CR6 them maybe we could do a deal… PM me.
My Eagle has been completely stripped and reassembled by previous owner. The bearings seem stiff but OK for me at the moment. Cross slide fine also. The leather bellows are almost perfect! My main concern is the vertical axis – by the time I have the gibs tight enough to stop any play, then the height wheel is very stiff. Can anyone tell me the proper way to adjust the vertical gibs?