Forum and now MEW Going downhill pointless article in MEW 335


Forum and now MEW Going downhill pointless article in MEW 335

Home Forums Model Engineers’ Workshop. Forum and now MEW Going downhill pointless article in MEW 335

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    Ian P

      On page 42 and 43 of January is an article titled ‘Digital Readout Controller/Displays’

      Its a sort of update to a project from 2008 but it’s devoid of the authors name, has no schematics, no details of software, no supplier links and no references, its basically useless! (it does however fill two pages)

      335 definitely not MEW’s best.

      Ian P



      Michael Gilligan

        Perhaps the print equivalent of this new forum [?]


        Kiwi Bloke

          I haven’t renewed my subscription to MEW. It’s a pity, but understandable if it is largely dependent on submitted material, the quality of which is pot luck. But that also applies to this forum, and my impression is that the chaos that is its new incarnation has turned contributors away. I fear that it’s withering away…

          noel shelley

            I let my MEW subscription lapse when the 300 came round and the front cover was an MGB, A car of which I am very fond, BUT NOT why I buy MEW.  May be it’s time for ME and MEW to reunite as it always was. Starting MEW back in the 90s might have been a good idea, but things have changed ? Noel.

            Nick Wheeler
              On noel shelley Said:

              I let my MEW subscription lapse when the 300 came round and the front cover was an MGB, A car of which I am very fond, BUT NOT why I buy MEW.  May be it’s time for ME and MEW to reunite as it always was. Starting MEW back in the 90s might have been a good idea, but things have changed ? Noel.

              On noel shelley Said:

              I let my MEW subscription lapse when the 300 came round and the front cover was an MGB, A car of which I am very fond, BUT NOT why I buy MEW.  May be it’s time for ME and MEW to reunite as it always was. Starting MEW back in the 90s might have been a good idea, but things have changed ? Noel.

              How about shifting the limited amount of workshop stuff in ME into MEW and letting ME turn into the photocopied(on the office machine after work) pamphlet that it’s been trending towards for years?

              Andrew Tinsley

                I must agree with the above comments. It is a great shame that the forum and MEW are in such a poor state.


                duncan webster 1

                  The latest MEW I have on pocket mags is 334.i haven’t received any notification that subscription is due. Is there a problem?


                    Paper one is likely to be out before the digital.

                    Philip Rowe

                      I too have recently cancelled my subscription to MEW, for very similar reasons as described above. I feel sad that it has come to this having subscribed since issue 140 and before that I was buying it from my local newsagents.

                      The reason I started taking MEW in the first place was that the ME that I had read since a child, had in my view ended up a mere shadow of it’s former self with very little model engineering content. I’m well aware that the publisher is dependent on submitted material, but surely that has always been the case. So I can only conclude that there are no longer the the model engineers out there practising their craft and writing about it.

                      Curiously enough l feel exactly the same thing has happened with Engineering in Miniature, which I subscribed to virtually from day one although that publication again in my view went downhill about 5 years ago which was when I cancelled that subscription.

                      Looking on the plus side I suppose the money saved from these cancelled subscriptions is allowing me more spending money in the workshop.



                        The sad thing is that we don’t seem to be able to reach (or possibly even see that) younger people are very actively making stuff from metal, and that there seems to be currently a real interest in manual machines, possibly more so now than for a couple of decades..

                        I’ve met at least two twenty-ish people this year who are envious of the space I have for machine tools (their biggest bugbear – no space) – interestingly, both hated plastics per se, and one also pointed out to me that the difference between manual machining of metal and 3D printing & CNC routing was that it’s a known ‘fact’ that a good worker can get tolerable results from a cheap lathe / mill, but with printing and routing you’re kind of stuck with the quality that you can afford – I don’t know enough about that to comment – however it is clear that these guys (one from the US, one from the UK) are sidestepping ‘printing and routing and both have ‘come from’ a desire to /actual working wood and metal in a traditional / craft way with hands and brain, including the use of manual (especially ‘vintage’) machines.. .. the boundaries in all this artisan ‘making’ are becoming (pleasingly) blurred..  ..

                        ….”you’d better start swimming or you’ll sink like a stone…”, etc.

                        Frances IoM

                          Another voice agreeing that both ME and especially MEW have lost their way in last few years – for MEW it seems to be too reliant on photos, most of which add nothing to the value of the article – whilst the ‘words and music’ are lost. ME does at least carry some seriously detailed article, often it seems derived from SMEE, but here too the visuals are over represented at the expense of text.

                          But the point made by Diogenes is very true – modern housing doesn’t offer the room for much of a workshop.

                          This is the first time I’ve logged in for some time – effectively the login now requires that you accept cookies from google – basically privacy no longer counts as that can’t be sold.

                          Michael Gilligan

                            … and just to put the icing on the cake:

                            An eMail with the subject-line:

                            Oopsie! Our Christmas deals had a little hiccup.

                            < sigh > … Pantomime season.



                              The readers of ME and MEW can use the forum to recommend content for both publications. I’m sure the admin guys can put together a poll, and a thread for ideas. As a contributor to ME I’ll keep an eye on this and will be happy to contribute to subjects of interest, where I can. I do feel for the editors of both publications, finding someone that’s technical and has the ability to put together a coherent piece can’t be easy; these traits are very often mutually exclusive. I, personally, love to see innovative ideas, and people pushing the boundaries of the hobby.

                              I’ve just submitted a piece on the future of Model engineering and some ideas to encourage the youth, will be very interesting to see what the feedback is, if it makes it to print (the article challenges the status quo).


                                Another subscriber here who won’t be renewing.  I’m fed up with CAD designed file storage (realy), picture mounting and articles with excessively large photos and diagrams (presumably to fill the space).

                                I’m guessing that lack of content is partly to blame.  Yes, possibly we could all help, but personally I don’t have the technology to add photos (my mobile phone still has buttons and 35mm doesn’t seem to cut the mustard anymore).  Do articles need photographs and diagrams?  In my opinion yes in most cases, as not only does “a picture paints a thousand words”, but also adds interest and appeal.

                                Chris Crew

                                  “Another subscriber here who won’t be renewing.  I’m fed up with CAD designed file storage (realy), picture mounting and articles with excessively large photos and diagrams (presumably to fill the space).”

                                  Isn’t some of this indicative of the situation the hobby itself may be in? When I look at the probable age profile of the MES, that I have been a member of since 1964, it is mostly all in the senior citizen bracket, the same as when I was observing the attendance of this year’s major exhibitions. Yes, there are some younger faces, although I would suggest many of them haven’t had the benefit of a practical contribution to their education in a school metal-work shop, but they will have a better idea than many of us older ones may ever have when working on a computer. (I accept there are older people who are very capable on computers but, I would suggest, probably not the majority).

                                  How far us more senior citizens may have slipped behind the learning curve was brought home to me this year. The MES, to which I belong, decided to build some additional riding and driving cars and the Committee asked for volunteers to the project, of which I was one. I fully expected to be spending a few evenings on the hacksaw and file chewing out the platework for the chassis etc. as I had done when I had first attempted to build a locomotive many years ago now. Not a bit of it! A meeting was convened on a Saturday morning and a laptop with a CAD program was projected on to the clubroom screen. A basic outline of the parts was drawn, by someone well-versed in the new ways of working, and suggestions were taken before the final design was agreed. A file was then immediately sent electronically to a laser cutting firm and the finished parts were returned within a week, needing only to be tacked together with a stick welder. I knew I was behind the times but I was truly amazed at all this and the fact that we had the chassis of five new riding cars assembled within days!

                                  So I am not surprised many more CAD related articles and ideas are showing up in the hobby press. I have to say that they mean very little to me, as the above might indicate, but the Club is proposing to run a CAD school in the near future and I will the first in line to at least try to get an appreciation of the new ways of working. We will never see the likes of LBSC, Tubal Cain, Geometer or Duplex again but there will be their contemporary equivalents and lets hope that it brings a much needed younger element into the hobby so that it may survive into the future in same tradition that Percival Marshall perceived back in 1898. That is to support all interested amateurs in furthering their knowledge and skill in modelling and engineering. The world and technology has changed since those days so it really should not come as a great surprise that the hobby is evolving with it.

                                  Ian P
                                    On Luker Said:

                                    The readers of ME and MEW can use the forum to recommend content for both publications. I’m sure the admin guys can put together a poll, and a thread for ideas. As a contributor to ME I’ll keep an eye on this and will be happy to contribute to subjects of interest, where I can. I do feel for the editors of both publications, finding someone that’s technical and has the ability to put together a coherent piece can’t be easy; these traits are very often mutually exclusive. I, personally, love to see innovative ideas, and people pushing the boundaries of the hobby.


                                    I’ve just submitted a piece on the future of Model engineering and some ideas to encourage the youth, will be very interesting to see what the feedback is, if it makes it to print (the article challenges the status quo).

                                    I’m sure the ‘admin guys’ you mention could put a put a poll together as you suggest but I doubt they will. Apart from the fact that admin give almost zero information and feedback on forum related matters, the chances of a poll or questionaire on magazine seems very unlikely.

                                    Ian P


                                      On Luker Said:

                                      The readers of ME and MEW can use the forum to recommend content for both publications. I’m sure the admin guys can put together a poll, and a thread for ideas. As a contributor to ME I’ll keep an eye on this and will be happy to contribute to subjects of interest, where I can. I do feel for the editors of both publications, finding someone that’s technical and has the ability to put together a coherent piece can’t be easy; these traits are very often mutually exclusive. I, personally, love to see innovative ideas, and people pushing the boundaries of the hobby.

                                      I’ve just submitted a piece on the future of Model engineering and some ideas to encourage the youth, will be very interesting to see what the feedback is, if it makes it to print (the article challenges the status quo).

                                      On Ian P Said:

                                      I’m sure the ‘admin guys’ you mention could put a put a poll together as you suggest but I doubt they will. Apart from the fact that admin give almost zero information and feedback on forum related matters, the chances of a poll or questionaire on magazine seems very unlikely.

                                      Ian P


                                      Even if a Poll or thread were started to recommend content there is the fact that unless Neil or Martin specifically commission articles about the subjects requested which is unlikely to happen then they still have to use what they get sent in and if that does not include what people want then there is little chance of getting it.

                                      The question of pictures is an interesting one, as said a picture can paint 1000 words but there are also things that can be taken as read and don’t really need a photo at least for the majority of readers. That is why I run a thread to go with my build articles so that I can add the additional photos that I felt may have been regarded as “padding” had I sent them all in but they will be of interest and help to those that actually decide to make one of the engines. It would be nice to see threads to accompany other articles (as Luker has done) but given the current state of the forum that is not going to help.

                                      I’ll be interested to see Lukers article, I do feel the content needs to change and keep up with what is being done in peoples home workshops. We read that loco based clubs are in decline and down to a few members so why is ME still 75% loco content? If it does not move with the times it will suffer the same fate as these clubs. Yes there will always be people who want to make locos, traction and stationary engines or IC engines but it would be good to see some content that can draw in those using their workshops for RC models and not just the traditional subjects be they earth mover /excavator sector, car/bike restoration & building or those that just like to make stuff.

                                      Well I’ve just sent Neil the first part of a short Series and another engine build is about ready to go off to Martin. Also something on the back burner about making use of modern methods so I’ve done my bit to get content that interests me, what about the rest of you?

                                      I also wonder if even Neil will read this topic!

                                      Another JohnS

                                        Ok, rather than complaining, how about writing an article or two and submitting it? (I did, I think 8 were printed in ME; basic CNC and machining parts for my Shay locomotive)

                                        Yes, it is work, and yes, you’ll complain when the mag is printed that “I know this already” (smile) but maybe some others might find it life-changing, or at least interesting.

                                        We all have to remember that, in order to attract new people to the hobby, the old topics need to be repeated time and time again – and the oldsters will complain.

                                        So, how about putting something that you know off by heart down in a text editor, take some snaps in your workshop, and submit it, and see what happens?


                                        bernard towers

                                          I. agree with Another JohnS, the only reason the mag is like it, is because you dont take part. If each one of you sent one article a year Neil would be spoilt for choice!!!

                                          Andrew Tinsley

                                            I find MEW hardly good value for money. It is a commercial undertaking to make profit , why should readers be expected to provide free copy to maintain it?

                                            I think I shall be soon joining those who have cancelled their subscriptions. Again a great pity.


                                            Roderick Jenkins
                                              On Andrew Tinsley Said:

                                              I find MEW hardly good value for money. It is a commercial undertaking to make profit , why should readers be expected to provide free copy to maintain it?

                                              As an occasional contributor to ME and MEW I’m happy to say that they both pay for published articles.


                                              Brian Wood


                                                You say readers are expected to provide free copy to maintain MEW. That is far from the truth, those who contribute articles, as I do, do get paid for their work; surely you were aware of that. It is hardly life sustaining renumeration it has to be said, but it does provide workshop income. I am also sure that advertisers cough up to get exposure, all of which helps keep the publication going.

                                                I would agree that the article mix may not be to everyone’s taste, but Neil as Editor has to work with what he is sent. Why don’t you send something in rather than throw in the towel, clearly something that pains you.

                                                Regards  Brian


                                                  As has been said MEW and ME pay by the page, typically £40-45 depending on how much work may be required to what has been sent in. It’s not something you could retire on but I treat it as “Pocket money” and it will cover my CAD package costs, the materials used for the project and any consumables and tooling needed as well as a bit to spare.

                                                  Many people write a lot on the forum so if you can do that then there should be no reason why you can’t string the equivalent of a few replies together as a short article.

                                                  Picking up on what Brian said, the advertisers do pay for space and some of the items you see being reviewed in the mags did not just appear out of the blue they are sent in with the hope that someone be it the editor or a person he chooses will do a review and those couple of pages are often better than an advert. If you are lucky enough to get asked to review such products you are likely to be able to keep them as well as being paid for what you write. The 3D scanner and printers Neil has written about and demoed at shows being a good example.

                                                  What the editors don’t have is a paid staff like the mag of many years ago who could be asked to come up with an article or series covering a specific topic if it was felt there was demand for one. Even the editors are freelance not employees.

                                                  Graham Meek

                                                    As a contributor and subscriber I always found the number of viewers to a forum post on the old forum to be a good indicator to a potential Article for submission. The loss of this facility with this new forum is a big handicap in my view to any potential contributor.

                                                    Some of my articles have taken several months to prepare both machining and drawing, with countless proof reading sessions. I regularly get emails asking when something is going to appear in print. While I submit articles, when they are published, or whether or not they are published is down to the Editor. Neither job is easy and no one can please every reader all of the time.

                                                    One thing I miss, is the basic electronic projects which used to appear. The type of article that used simple components, no etched circuit boards or bought in gismos. The current articles I have seen might make sense to someone in that field, but they are talking a whole different language to my limited electrical/electronics knowledge.





                                                    Mark Rand

                                                      There is a slight problem with magazines such as MEW and the colonial Home Shop Machinist magazine (both of which I subscribe to). The problem is that, at the start of one’s journey, everything is new and interesting. After the odd decade or two, a definite element of ‘been there, done that, got the tee shirt’ creeps in. This isn’t a problem with the magazines, it’s a problem with having to cover the basics for newer readers who don’t wish to purchase the previous several hundred back issues and wade through them.


                                                      I will admit that, several times, I’ve considered writing an article, but have put it off for one reason or another. maybe it’ll still happen. Got to re-visit re-lapping and calibrating my surface table and then rebuild the surface grinder. Got to do some pattern making and casting as well. They might make workable topics

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