Thank you very much Jason. As a pattern making 101 tutorial that is just superb. I think I now understand what would need to be made, although whether my skills are up to doing so remains to be seen. It would probably be 3D printed, as my woodworking skills are very limited!
Thank you for the advice on draft and shrinkage – something else for me to learn about and experiment with on the 3D models. When I next go to wind the clock I will take a square or something similar with me. I am interested to see if the original has draft on the sides. I have assumed it was square, but I am not sure I would notice a 2° angle on the sides.
Thank you also for the advice on the posts. I had planned to fabricate them all as you suggest, and based on your advice I will continue to do so. The mill (SX1LP) is just about long enough to fly cut the 372mm top faces in one pass with very careful setting up. The bottom of the feet will be two setups, but if I have a flat top as reference fairly easy.
I had already planned to get the three winding ratchet wheels and the strike ratchet laser cut from 4mm plate, mainly because I could not work out how to shape them on the equipment I have. Now you have planted the idea I will probably get the uprights done the same way. I was planning to rough them out on the bandsaw and finish on the mill, but 4mm steel plate is fairly slow going on my little mill.
Thank you again for the help.
PS wonder if Santa could be persuaded to spring for a bigger mill!!