I tried to open the Forum today as I had placed a query on it, but the system told me the site’s security certificate has expired only today!
The first option it offered was my PC’s internal clock being unsynchronised,, which surprised me because the time and date shown are always correct. However, following the instructions I did find that was the case and duly put it right.
The Forum was still insecure though. I took the risk option so was able to open it and read the replies, which I saved in ‘Word’ because I’m sure to need it again – I’d spoilt my drawing by a mouse mis-move.
Another look at the Forum showed it was not just me. Several others reported this security lapse, so it was across operating-systems and protection software, concluding the Forum owners had not paid the bill.
Hopefully this will soon be resolved but anyone using it, be prepared to meet a safety warning until then.
TurboCAD itself appears still secure, as it should be, especially for professional users of course.
IMSI, who developed TurboCAD, sold it a few years ago to some outfit who seem not really interested in it, nor to understand it. It seems they are no longer even supporting their agents and trainers properly.
Unfortunately the Users’ Forum is about the only useful source of help, because even in IMSI days the supporting documents were very poorly designed and no better now.