mill tooling


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    john raynham

      im baffled.Ive got a Type 1 Adcock/shipley horiz mill,Its dated 1942 october.Its got a vertical adaptor as well. So, whats the problem?? The problem is all of the taper sockets are a strange size, they are same included angle as INT BUT they are in between the INT diameters. An engineer said same taper different mass..By chance someone sent me a sample toolholder and it was made by alf herbert.Is it possible icould cut down INT tool tapers to fit or are they too hard.Also need top arm round bar nom 2.5ins x 1meter. HELP FOR CASH PLS.(someone said INT tools are only case hard.). A bit depressed what with illness etc.01329 841173 hours all


      john raynham

        taper tooling adcock/shipley mill

        David Clark 13

          Hi John

          I think there are intermediate tapers.

          I believe I have come across a 35 international.

          What is your taper between?

          regards David


            Hi John,

            it could be 1 3/8" NS – I have an old Victoria Horizontal that seems to be equipped with this taper too..

            See this thread for details.





              Sorry but this sounds like just one of the (non exsistant according to some) problems often found with good old much revered (by some) british made stuff. I think i will stick with my good (rubbish to some folk) new Chinese stuff.

              Cheers Derek.

              P.S. Sorry this is not very helpfull John, but i could'nt resist after reading some other threads.

              John Stevenson 1

                There are standars listed for







                Not sure about 45 and INT50 before we strat getting onto big boys toys

                Denfords used to love the 25 / 35 series as it welded the user to their holders.


                  You might neeed to check the space available for the parallel drawbar bit in case it fouls too. BT30/40 don't have this so might be better for you if you are trying nearest fit. I think I would make an adaptor for '30 as at least the arbors exist (for Tom Senior mill – one just sold on ebay)

                  If you get the overarm to your dimensions you'll have to cut off 3 inches as a '42 machine will spit out metric kit angry



                    It was given in the previous thread I mentioned – but this is the link to the data that I found the most useful to check my mill taper. You'll find the 1 3.8th NS listed here (together with the INT tapers – and that's what mine is.

                    Suggest you check yours for the same metrics





                      HI John

                      Sorry for the confusion with the messages but I hadn't read your original post as was not sure who or what was going on with the random message.

                      I think you had the same problem as I did – the odd in-between taper size – the HERBERT taper.

                      I have an old Herbert taper tool you could try in your spindle, then at least you will know if it is that you need.

                      As mentioned in another post – I brought a BT40-BT30 taper adapter and turned the outside down to match my Herbert taper spindle – I guess it was more luck that judgement that helped me out as I don't think the way I did it was the best way but it worked and it is a spot on modification – If that is the technical word for it.

                      If you don't feel you want to attempt the turning then I am more than willing to help make another – the adapter was only £25 or so from ARC Eurotrade – I still have the measurements and jig Made to hold the adapter.

                      If you want me to send you the original taper tool then let me know – then at least you will know if it is the Herbert Taper you need.

                      FYI and as far as I have worked out with research the Herbert Taper is in between the 30 and 40 BT taper but not a BT35 – it has the same taper angle as the 30 but obviously fatter at the gauge line. by a few MM's

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