I am surprised there is no mention of VPI, Vapour Phase Inhibitor.
If you have delicate tools ie. slips and mics and gauges then a screw on lid drum about 10 gallon size with VPI paper inside it will keep your tools rust free.
Even sealable plastic boxes for food can be used.
Again, acid from fingers etc will start the corrosion off and it will work silently and you will only find it when you use the tool.
Ground surface equipment kept in purpose made storage boxes should be inspected regularly as corrosion will start where the surfaces touch the resilient packaging.
One thing, if you have any optical instruments always ensure they are stored dry and not packed away wet or damp after use.
A lot of optical instruments are sealed in their cases and any trapped moisture will find its way onto the glass surfaces and start fungal growth. I have to deal with on a daily basis where instruments are kept underground and then brought up and put in store but later have to be stripped and de-fungussed, expensive.!
Silica gel. is not a good thing to store with tools as it will absorb moisture from the air unless activated and kept sealed in a container.
Another bad process is soldering in the workshop with a very active flux as the vapour given off will start corrosion on tools and metal surfaces.